
Unexpected Birds at Santa Barbara in the Summer of 1910


Bradford Torrey

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1. Oidemia deglandi. A small flock, fifteen or twenty birds, I should say, past the entire summer here, where they were seen constantly by Mr. John H. Bowles and myself. It had not occurred to me that their presence could be worthy of record until I read in the new A. 0. U. Check-List that non-breeding birds of this species had been found in summer “as far south as Monterey.” I saw nothing of the species here in the summer of 1909.

2. Marila affinis. Two birds, a drake and a duck (or young male), were seen on the 6th, 15th and 16th of June, in a small fresh-water lake just outside of the city.

3. Æchmophorus occidentalis. A single Western Grebe was seen off the beach on the following dates: June 11, 13, 14, 19, 20, 26, 28, July 5, and August 29 and 30.

4. Limosa fedoa. A Marbled Godwit appeared on the beach, where it permitted a close approach, June 4.

5. Catoptrophorus semipalmatus inornatus. A single Willet was found on the beach June 24, and July 8 and 24.

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