
Official Minutes of Southern Division


The Condor

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The Division met at the home of M. IL. Wicks Jr., with President McCormick in the chair. The name of Mr. Roth Reynolds was proposed for active membership. The name of Harry H. Dunn which was proposed for membership at the last meeting was withdrawn. The Outing Committee failed to decide upon a place for the outing and was given further time to act. Resolutions from the Northern Division to change the present name of the BULLETIN to that of “The Condor” were read, the change to be made with the January number. A letter from C. Barlow pertaining to the subject was also read. The change was adopted by unanimous vote of those present. It was, however, recommended that the words “Continuation of” be dropped, making the new title read: “The Condor; Bulletin of the Cooper Ornithological Club.” Mr. Daggctt read a paper entitled “Desirability of Positive Identification in Lists.” Two papers from the Northern Division were read. Adjourned.

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