Where to Go: Monomoy
Blair Nikula
More on Strike Identification
Eirik A. Blom
Ralph Hoffman - Father of the Modern Field Guide
Bruce A. Sorrie
Book Views
Brian E. Cassie
A Tribute to a Naturalist
Peter Alden
Field Notes from Here to There
Dottie Case, Julie Zickefoose, Chere Bemelmans, Dorothy R. Arvidson, and Sandy Selesky
Field Records: January 1987
George W. Gove and Robert H. Stymeist
Field Records: February 1987
George W. Gove and Robert H. Stymeist
Meet Our Cover Artist
Dorothy R. Arvidson
The Cover Illustration: Song Sparrow
Dorothy R. Arvidson
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen