Nesting Synchrony and Dispersion in Red-winged Blackbirds: is the Harem Competitive or Cooperative?
Ken Yasukawa and William A. Searcy
Genic Heterozygosity in the White-crowned Sparrow: a Potential Index to Boundaries Between Subspecies
Kendall W. Corbin
Limitation in Small Habitat Islands: Chance or Competition?
Thomas E. Martin
Molt of the Spotted Owl
Eric D. Forsman
Variation of Body Weight in Gambel's White-crowned Sparrows in Winter and Spring: Latitudinal and Photoperiodic Correlates
James R. King and L. Richard Mewaldt
Effects of Social Facilitation and Observational Learning on Feeding Behavior of the Red-winged Blackbird (agelaius Phoeniceus)
J. Russell Mason and Russell F. Reidinger Jr.
Rarefaction, Relative Abundance, and Diversity of Avian Communities
Frances C. James and Stephen Rathbun
Timing of Shorebird Migration in Relation to Prey Depletion
David C. Schneider and Brian A. Harrington
Notes and News
The Auk
Use of Exclosures in Studies of Predation by Shorebirds on Intertidal Mudflats
Millicent L. Quammen
Vegetation Characteristics Associated with Abert's Towhee Numbers in Riparian Habitats
Julie K. Meents, Bertin W. Anderson, and Robert D. Ohmart
Editorial on Skepticism and Criticism in Ornithology
John A. Wiens
Index to Volume 98
The Auk
Front Matter
The Auk
Back Matter
The Auk
Short Communications
Song Sparrow Rules" for Feeding Nestlings"
Jonathan R. Reed
Consumption of Green Wheat Enhances Photostimulated Ovarian Growth in White-crowned Sparrows
Amelia O. Ettinger and James R. King
Wing- and Tail-flapping in Anhingas: a Possible Method for Drying in the Absence of Sun
Ann M. Francis
Male Incubation in Wilson's Plover (charadrius Wilsonia)
Peter W. Bergstrom
Sunbathing Vermilion-crowned Flycatchers Repulse Mates
Lawrence Kilham
Ingestion of Plastics by Laysan Albatross
Ted N. Pettit, Gilbert S. Grant, and G. Causey Whittow
Ficus Ovalis Seed Predation by an Orange-chinned Parakeet (brotogeris Jugularis) in Costa Rica
Daniel H. Janzen
Rete Mirabile Ophthalmicum in Hawaiian Seabirds
Ted N. Pettit, G. Causey Whittow, and Gilbert S. Grant
Back-crossing of a Common Murre (uria Aalge) and a Common Murre-thick-billed Murre Hybrid (u Aalge X U Lomvia)
D. K. Cairns and Brad Deyoung