Do Shorebirds Compete on Their Wintering Grounds?
David C. Duffy, Natasha Atkins, and David C. Schneider
Genic Variability and Differentiation in the Galapagos Finches
Suh Y. Yang and James L. Patton
Reproductive Biology of Thick-billed Murres (uria Lomvia): an Inter-colony Comparison
T. R. Birkhead and D. N. Nettleship
Notes and News
The Auk
Nest-site Habitat Selected by Woodland Hawks in the Central Appalachians
Kimberly Titus and James A. Mosher
The Taxonomy of Rough-winged Swallows (stelgidopteryx; Hirundinidae)in Southern Central America
F. Gary Stiles
Intrinsic Factors in the Selection of Foraging Substrates by Pine Warblers: a Test of an Hypothesis
John T. Emlen and Michael J. Dejong
Effects of Denervation of the Tracheo-syringeal Muscles on Frequency Control in Vocalizations in Chicks
Richard E. Phillips and Orlan M. Youngren
Laboratory Studies of Foraging in Four Bird Species of Deciduous Woodland
Virginia Pierce and Thomas C. Grubb Jr.
Foraging Behavior of the Red-cockaded Woodpecker in South Carolina
Robert G. Hooper and Michael R. Lennartz
Courtship Behavior and Reproductive Isolation Between Western Grebe Color Morphs
Gary L. Nuechterlein
The Effect of Stimulus Presentation Sequence on the Response of Red-winged Blackbirds in Playback Studies
Eliot A. Brenowitz
Growth and Energetics of Chicks of the Sooty Tern (sterna Fuscata) and Common Tern (s Hirundo)
Robert E. Ricklefs and Susan C. White
Front Matter
The Auk
Back Matter
The Auk
Short Communications
Interaction Between the Two Subpsecies Groups of the Seed-finch Sporophila Angolensis in the Magdalena Valley, Colombia
Storrs L. Olson
Interspecific Song Acquisition by a White-crowned Sparrow
Luis F. Baptista and Martin L. Morton
Bigamy in a Male Mockingbird
Cheryl A. Logan and Mary Rulli
Male Starlings Delay Incubation to Avoid Being Cuckolded
Harry W. Power, Elizabeth Litovich, and Michael P. Lombardo
Importance of Structural Stability to Success of Mourning Dove Nests
Richard A. Coon, James D. Nichols, and H. Franklin Percival
A Muscle Biopsy Procedure for Use in Electrophoretic Studies of Birds
Myron Charles Baker
Whooping Crane Preyed upon by Golden Eagle
Ronald M. Windingstad, Harry E. Stiles, and Roderick C. Drewien
New Brazilian Records for the Golden Parakeet (aratinga Guarouba)
David C. Oren and Edwin O. Willis
Field Notes on Winter Flocks of the Ocellated Turkey (agriocharis Ocellata)
George Sugihara and Katherine Heston
New Southerly Record for the Macaroni Penguin (eudyptes Chrysolophus) on the Antarctic Peninsula
Nell P. Bernstein and Paul C. Tirrell
Ornithology and Sociobiology: a Forum
John A. Wiens
The Ornithological Roots of Sociobiology
Stephen T. Emlen
Sociobiology in Relation to Ornithology
Brian C. Bertram
Demography is a Cornerstone of Sociobiology
John W. Fitzpatrick and Glen E. Woolfenden
On Experimental Tests of Sociobiological Theory
H. Ronald Pulliam
Sociobiology is for the Birds
J. David Ligon
Some Comments on Sociobiology
Amotz Zahavi
Sociobiology as Learned from a Drab, Blue Bird
Russell P. Balda
On Socio-ornithology
Jerram L. Brown
Electrophoresis and Avian Genealogical Analyses
Paul W. Sherman
Searching for Altruism in Birds
Harry W. Power