The Near-shore Avifauna of the Middle American West Coast
Joseph R. Jehl Jr.
Rediscovery of Aulacorhynchus Prasinus Dimidiatus (ridgway)
John P. O'Neill and Alfred L. Gardner
Factors Influencing Prey Selection in the American Kestrel
Helmut C. Mueller
Status of the Peregrine Falcon in the Rocky Mountains in 1973
James H. Enderson and Jerry Craig
Some Vocalizations of the Black, Yellow, and Virginia Rails
George B. Reynard
Populations and Energetics of Taiga Birds near Fairbanks, Alaska
George C. West and Barbara B. Dewolfe
Syntopic Culvert Nesting of Cave and Barn Swallows in Texas
Robert F. Martin
Behavior of a Radio-tagged Saw-whet Owl
James E. Forbes and Dwain W. Warner
Mechanisms of Avian Egg Recognition: Possible Learned and Innate Factors
Stephen I. Rothstein
Breeding Red-winged Blackbirds in Captivity
Carl J. Knos and Allen R. Stickley Jr.
Periodical Literature
The Auk
The Auk
Notes and News
The Auk
Index to Volume 91
The Auk
General Notes
Everglade Kites Feed on Nonsnail Prey
Paul W. Sykes and Herbert W. Kale II
Two New Southern Migrants for Brazil
William Belton
A Pleistocene Gyrfalcon
Danny Walker
Emigrations of Northern Shrikes 1959-1970
David E. Davis
Bald Eagle Preys upon Arctic Loon
David F. Hatler
Success of Two Feeding Methods of the Black-legged Kittiwake
Edward H. Burtt Jr.
Homing Experiments with Audubon's Shearwaters
Jeremy J. Hatch
The Skylark in Washington
A. R. Weisbrod and W. Frederick Stevens
Human Incursion and Nesting Sites of the Belted Kingfisher
Michael J. Hamas
Red-bellied Woodpecker Predation on Nestling Carolina Chickadees
Richard N. Conner
Joint Leap-frog" Feeding by Ardeids"
Jochen H. Wiese and Robert L. Crawford
First Clay-colored Robin Collected in the United States
Ralph R. Moldenhauer
First Shrike-like Cotinga Record for Peru
Asa C. Thoresen
Rabbit Destruction of Tern Eggs
William Y. Brown
An Albinistic Elepaio from Hawaii
Charles Van Riper III
Notes on the Behavioral Ecology of Couch's Mexican Jay
J. David Ligon and Sandra L. Husar
Mobbing Red-winged Blackbirds Force American Kestrel into Water
Dwight G. Smith and Daniel H. Holland
Black-browed Albatrosses on Fresh Water
Edmund W. Stiles
Gull-billed Tern in Caribbean South America
Paul K. Donahue
White Hawk Preying on the Great Tinamou
Donald W. Lamm
Seabird Mortality in a Storm
William Threlfall, Eldon Eveleigh, and John Ernest Maunder
Turkey Vultures Thermal Soaring into Opaque Clouds
Donald S. Heintzelman and Robert Macclay
Record Confirmed of Bahama Woodstar in Florida
Howard P. Langridge and Paul W. Sykes Jr.
Front Matter
The Auk
Back Matter
The Auk