In Memoriam: George Newbold Lawrence
D. G. Elliot
The Standing of Ardetta Neoxena
Frank M. Chapman
The Pine Grosbeak in Captivity
O. W. Knight
Descriptions of an Apparently New Species and Subspecies of Ptarmigan from the Aleutian Islands
D. G. Elliot
Songs of the Western Meadowlark
L. Belding
A New Subspecies of the Genus Dryobates
A. W. Anthony
Description of a New Jay from Mexico
Gerrit S. Miller Jr.
Nesting Habits of Phainopepla Nitens in California
Florence A. Merriam
Descriptions of a New Warbler and a New Song Sparrow
William Brewster
The Terns of Muskeget Island, Massachusetts, Part Ii
George H. Mackay
Recent Literature
Elliot's Monograph of the Pittid[ae]
J. A. Allen
The Fossil Birds of Patagonia
F. A. I.
Elliot's Limicol[ae]
E. C.
Some Canadian Birds
F. M. C.
Kirkwood on Maryland Birds
F. M. C.
The Structure and Life of Birds
F. M. C.
Hudson's British Birds
F. M. C.
Bendire on the Cowbirds
J. A. Allen
Lucas on the Weapons and Wings of Birds
J. A. Allen
Beddard's 'text-book of Zoogeography'
J. A. Allen
Publications Received
The Auk
General Notes
Do Young Loons Eat Fresh-water Clams?
W. F. Ganong
Another Harlequin Duck Record for Long Island
W. W. Worthington
'gull Dick' Again
George H. Mackay
An Early Description of Phalacrocorax Dilophus
Elliott Coues
Olor Buccinator in Western Minnesota
Albert Lano
The King Rail Again in Maine
Henry H. Brock
Ardetta Neoxena from Wisconsin
George K. Cherrie
White-faced Glossy Ibis Breeding in Minnesota
P. B. Peabody
Baird's Sandpiper at East Hampton, Long Island, N Y
C. Wheaton Vaughan
Baird's Sandpiper in Maine
Nathan Clifford Brown
The 1895 Migration of Charadrius Dominicus in Massachusetts
George H. Mackay
Additional Records of the Passenger Pigeon (ectopistes Migratorius) in Wisconsin and Illinois
Ruthven Deane
Habits of the Valley Partridge
Frank Xavier Holzner
The Golden Eagle in New Jersey
William C. Braislin
A New Long Island, N Y, Record for the Red-bellied Woodpecker (melanerpes Carolinus)
Robert B. Lawrence
The Golden Eagle in Maine
Ora W. Knight
The Deltoid Muscle in the Swifts
F. A. Lucas
The Scissor-tailed Flycatcher in Virginia and Maryland
William Palmer
The Raven in Illinois
Frank M. Woodruff
The Carolina Wren in Connecticut
H. H. Taylor
The Ipswich Sparrow--a Correction
Nathan Clifford Brown
Second Occurrence of the Lark Sparrow in Virginia
William Palmer
The Dwarf Thrush in Colorado
U. A. Sprague
Food of Woodpeckers and Flycatchers
A. J. Cook
A Correction
George H. Mackay
Notes on Long Island Birds
William C. Braislin
Nantucket and Muskeget Island Notes
George H. Mackay
Gatke's Birds of Heligoland
George H. Mackay
Notes and News
Notes and News
The Auk
Front Matter
The Auk
Back Matter
The Auk