Notes on Birds Observed in Trinidad
William Brewster and Frank M. Chapman
List of Birds Observed in the Vicinity of Fort Keogh, Montana, from July, 1888, to September, 1892
Capt. Platte Thorne
Notes and Extracts from a Letter of Edward Harris
George Spencer Morris
Bird Migration at Grinnell, Iowa
Lynds Jones
A Remarkable Flight of Pine Grosbeaks (pinicola Enucleator)
William Brewster
Description of a New Heron (ardea Virescens Anthonyi) from the Arid Region of the Interior of North America
Edgar A. Mearns
Hawk Flights in Connecticut
C. C. Trowbridge
Notes on the Ancient Murrelet (synthli-boramphus Antiquus), by Chase Littlejohn with Annotations
Major Charles Bendire
Description of Two New Species of Birds from San Domingo
Charles B. Cory
The Status of Heleodytes Affinis
A. W. Anthony
Recent Literature
Verrill on Antarctic Birds
F. M. C.
Publications Received
The Auk
General Notes
Brünnich's Murre near Johnstown, New York
Donald Fraser
Gavia Alba on Long Island, N Y
William Dutcher
History of a Wandering Albatross
Frank M. Chapman
Another European Widgeon (anas Penelope) in Indiana
Ruthven Deane
The Old Squaw (clangula Hyemalis) in Colorado
Ruthven Deane
Aythya Marila or a M Nearctica
Louis B. Bishop
An Apparently Undescribed Plumage of Oidemia Perspicillata
Louis B. Bishop
Lincoln Salt Lake and the Occurrence of Strepsilas Interpres
Erwin H. Barbour
A Sora Caught by a Mussel
Jno H. Sage
An Addition to the Birds of Colorado
Willoughby P. Lowe
Ospreys at Bristol, R I
Reginald Heber Howe Jr.
The Great Gray Owl in Oneida County, New York
William S. Johnson
Strange Habits of the Rusty and Crow Blackbirds
Ruthven Deane
Peculiar Nest of a Chipping Sparrow
Helen A. Ball
Harris's Sparrow in British Columbia
J. Fannin
The Lark Bunting in South Carolina
Arthur T. Wayne
Summer Redbird at Saybrook, Conn
J. N. Clark
Prothonotary Warbler near New York City
Eugene P. Bicknell
Helminthophila Leucobronchialis in Maryland
Chas. W. Richmond
Nesting of Mimus Polyglottos in Eastern Massachusetts
Charles F. Batchelder
More Wyoming Mockingbirds
Frank Bond
Absence of the Bluebird at Meadville, Pa
H. C. Kirkpatrick
Nantucket Notes
George H. Mackay
Notes on Some Connecticut Birds
Jno. H. Sage
Bird Notes from St Albans, Vermont
Nelly Hart Woodworth
Notes and News
Notes and News
The Auk
Front Matter
The Auk