Reviewers for the Auk, 2001
The Auk
The Auk: Index to Volume 118
The Auk
Front Matter
The Auk
Back Matter
The Auk
Short Communications
Intraspecific Variation in Commuting Distance of Marbled Murrelets "brachyramphus Marmoratus": Ecological and Energetic Consequences of Nesting Further Inland
Cindy L. Hull, Gary W. Kaiser, Cecilia Lougheed, Lynn Lougheed, Sean Boyd, and Fred Cooke
Nest Defense as Parental Care in the Northern Hobby "falco Subbuteo"
Fabrizio Sergio and Giuseppe Bogliani
Do Golden-cheeked Warblers Select Nest Locations on the Basis of Patch Vegetation?
Donald C. Dearborn and Laura L. Sanchez
Timing of Mineral Sequestration in Leg Bones of White-tailed Ptarmigan
James R. Larison, J. G. Crock, and Christine M. Snow
Experimental Support for a New Drift Block Design to Assess Seabird Mortality from Oil Pollution
Francis K. Wiese and Ian L. Jones
Nest-attenders in the Pied Flycatcher "ficedula Hypoleuca" during Nestling Rearing: a Possible Case of Prospective Resource Exploration
Ulf Ottosson, Johan Baeckman, and Henrik G. Smith
Fitness-related Consequences of Relaying in an Arctic Seabird: Survival of Offspring to Recruitment Age
Mark Hipfner
Protein Requirements of a Specialized Frugivore, Pesquet's Parrot "psittrichas Fulgidus"
Gregory S. Pryor, Douglas J. Levey, and Ellen S. Dierenfeld
Large-scale Variation in Growth of Black Brant Goslings Related to Food Availability
James S. Sedinger, Mark P. Herzog, Brian T. Person, Morgan T. Kirk, Tim Obritchkewitch, Philip P. Martin, and Alice A. Stickney
Bounce and Double Trill Songs of Male and Female Western Screech-owls: Characterization and Usefulness for Classification of Sex
Brian L. Herting and James R. Belthoff
Is Diet-shifting Facilitated by Modulation of Pancreatic Enzymes? Test of an Adaptational Hypothesis in Yellow-rumped Warblers
M. Eugenia Ciminari, Daniel Afik, William H. Karasov, and Enrique Caviedes-Vidal
Threatened Birds of the World
Daniel Simberloff
Birds of the World: a Checklist "5th Edition"
P. William Smith
The Status of Marine Birds Breeding in the Barents Sea Region
John W. Chardine
Pigeons and Doves: a Guide to the Pigeons and Doves of the World
David W. Steadman
Models of Adaptive Behaviour: an Approach Based on State (review)
Raymond J. O'Connor
Threatened Birds of the World
Daniel Simberloff
Birds of the World: a Checklist "5th Edition"
P. William Smith
The Status of Marine Birds Breeding in the Barents Sea Region
John W. Chardine
Pigeons and Doves: a Guide to the Pigeons and Doves of the World
David W. Steadman
Models of Adaptive Behaviour: an Approach Based on State (review)
Raymond J. O'Connor
In Memoriam
In Memoriam: Bernt H O F Loeppenthin, 1904-1994
Niels Otto Preuss
In Memoriam: George B Saunders, 1907-2001
Henry M. Reeves
In Memoriam: Lawrence Kilham, 1910-2000
Jerome A. Jackson
In Memoriam: Phillips B Street, 1914-2000
Jerome A. Jackson
In Memoriam: Charles Hartshorne, 1897-2000
Alexander F. Skutch
Do We Know what We Think We Know about Winter Ranges of Migrants to South America? the Case of the Veery "catharus Fuscescens"
Philip C. Stouffer
True Winter Range of the Veery "catharus Fuscescens": Lessons for Determining Winter Ranges of Species that Winter in the Tropics
J. V. Remsen Jr.
Phylogeny and Systematics of Ground Rollers "brachypteraciidae" of Madagascar
Jeremy J. Kirchman, Shannon J. Hackett, Steven M. Goodman, and John M. Bates
Reproductive Success of Forest-dependent Songbirds near an Agricultural Corridor in South-central Indiana
Thomas B. Ford, Donald E. Winslow, Donald R. Whitehead, and Matthew A. Koukol
A Molecular Phylogeny of the Dove Genera Streptopelia and Columba
Kevin P. Johnson, Selvino De Kort, Karen Dinwoodey, A C. Mateman, Carel Ten Cate, C M. Lessells, and Dale H. Clayton
Site Fidelity, Philopatry, and Survival of Promiscuous Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed Sparrows in Rhode Island
Deborah A. Diquinzio, Peter W. C. Paton, and William R. Eddleman
Carotenoid Pigments in Male House Finch Plumage in Relation to Age, Subspecies, and Ornamental Coloration
Caron Y. Inouye, Geoffrey E. Hill, Riccardo D. Stradi, and Robert Montgomerie
Does Kleptoparasitism by Glaucous-winged Gulls Limit the Reproductive Success of Tufted Puffins?
Colleen Cassady St. Clair, Robert C. St. Clair, and Tony D. Williams
Prefledging Energy Requirements in Shorebirds: Energetic Implications of Selffeeding Precocial Development
Hans Schekkerman and G .. Visser
Geographical Variation in the Contact Calls of Orange-fronted Parakeets
Jack W. Bradbury, Kathryn A. Cortopassi, and Janine R. Clemmons
How Many Baskets? Clutch Sizes that Maximize Annual Fecundity of Multiple-brooded Birds
George L. Farnsworth and Theodore R. Simons
Growth and Development of Homeothermy in Nestling European Shags "phalacrocorax Aristotelis"
Jan Eivind Jenssen and Claus Bech
Stable-isotope Analysis of Canvasback Winter Diet in Upper Chesapeake Bay
G. Michael Haramis, Dennis G. Jorde, Stephen A. Macko, and Jane L. Walker
Avian Nesting Success in Forested Landscapes: Influence of Landscape Composition, Stand and Nest-patch Microhabitat, and Biotic Interactions
Amanda D. Rodewald and Richard H. Yahner
Perspectives In Ornithology
It Takes Guts "and More" to Eat Fruit: Lessons from Avian Nutritional Ecology
Douglas J. Levey and Carlos Martinez Del Rio