Front Matter
The Auk
Back Matter
The Auk
Short Communications
Sex-related Differences in Habitat Use in Wintering American Kestrels
Daniel R. Ardia and Keith L. Bildstein
Female Hematozoan Infection Reduces Hatching Success but Not Fledging Success in Pied Flycatchers Ficedula Hypoleuca
Juan J. Sanz, Elena Arriero, Juan Moreno, and Santiago Merino
Diving Depths of Shearwaters
Alan E. Burger
Visual Signals for Individual Identification: the Silent "song" of Ruffs
David B. Lank and James Dale
Frequency of Egg and Nestling Destruction by Female Brown-headed Cowbirds at Grassland Nests
Diane A. Granfors, Pamela J. Pietz, and Lisa A. Joyal
Nest Desertion by Field Sparrows and Its Possible Influence on the Evolution of Cowbird Behavior
Bill M. Strausberger and Dirk E. Burhans
Regional Variation in Response of Field Sparrows to the Threat of Brown-headed Cowbird Parasitism
Dirk E. Burhans, Bill M. Strausberger, and Michael D. Careys
Standard and Comparative Energetics of a Small Avian Herbivore "phytotoma Rara"
Enrico L. Rezende, M Victoria Lopez-Calleja, and Francisco Bozinovic
Function and Temporal Variation in Use of Ossuaries by Bearded Vultures "gypaetus Barbatus" during the Nestling Period
Antoni Margalida and Joan Bertran
Observational Learning in Hummingbirds
Douglas L. Nunn
Phylogenetic Utility of Avian Ovomucoid Intron G: a Comparison of Nuclear and Mitochondrial Phylogenies in Galliformes
Margaret H. Armstrong, Edward L. Braun, and Rebecca T. Kimball
Erwin Stresemann "1889-1972"—leben Und Werk Eines Pioniers Der Wissenschaftlichen Ornithologie
Walter J. Bock
The Birds of Pennsylvania
Douglas A. Gross
Owls: a Guide to the Owls of the World
Jeffrey S. Marks and George F. Barrowclough
A Manual for Wildlife Radio Tagging
Joshua J. Millspaugh
Tony D. Williams
It Takes Guts "and More" to Eat Fruit: Lessons from Avian Nutritional Ecology
Douglas J. Levey and Carlos Martinez Rio
Erwin Stresemann "1889-1972"—leben Und Werk Eines Pioniers Der Wissenschaftlichen Ornithologie
Walter J. Bock
The Birds of Pennsylvania
Douglas A. Gross
Owls: a Guide to the Owls of the World
Jeffrey S. Marks and George F. Barrowclough
A Manual for Wildlife Radio Tagging
Joshua J. Millspaugh
Tony D. Williams
It Takes Guts "and More" to Eat Fruit: Lessons from Avian Nutritional Ecology
Douglas J. Levey and Carlos Martinez Rio
In Memoriam
In Memoriam: William B Robertson, Jr, 1924-2000
Glen E. Woolfenden
Thirty-year Bird Population Trends in an Unfragmented Temperate Deciduous Forest: Importance of Habitat Change
Richard T. Holmes and Thomas W. Sherry
A Cytochrome-b Perspective on Passerina Bunting Relationships
John Klicka, Adam J. Fry, Robert M. Zink, and Christopher W. Thompson
Age and Reproduction in Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers "dendrocopos Minor"
Ulf Wiktander, Ola Olsson, and Sven G. Nilsson
Colony and Population Dynamics of Black-legged Kittiwakes in a Heterogeneous Environment
Robert M. Suryan and David B. Irons
Factors Governing the Distribution of Swainson's Warbler along a Hydrological Gradient in Great Dismal Swamp
Gary R. Graves
Comparative Fuel Use of Migrating Passerines: Effects of Fat Stores, Migration Distance, and Diet
Leonard Z. Gannes
Response of Passerine Birds to Forest Edge in Coast Redwood Forest Fragments
L Arriana Brand and T Luke George
Composition of Eggs and Neonates of Canada Geese and Lesser Snow Geese
Shannon S. Badzinski, C Davison Ankney, James O. Leafloor, and Kenneth F. Abrahams
Low Initial Refueling Rate at Stopover Sites: a Methodological Effect?
Regine Schwilch and Lukas Jenni
Activity Patterns and Effect of Ticks on Growth and Survival of Tropical Roseate Tern Nestlings
Jaime A. Ramos, John Bowler, Laura Davis, Sarah Venis, John Quinn, and Carole Middleton
Effect of Conspecific Brood Parasitism on Host Fitness for Tufted Duck and Common Pochard
Bruce D. Dugger and Peter Blums
Territory and Nest-site Selection of Cerulean Warblers in Eastern Ontario
Jason Jones and Raleigh J. Robertson
Perspectives In Ornithology
Current Bird Conservation Issues in Africa
Thomas Brooks and Hazell Shokellu Thompson