Front Matter
The Auk
Back Matter
The Auk
Short Communications
Estimating Repeatability of Egg Size
Paul L. Flint, Robert F. Rockwell, and James S. Sedinger
Effect of Investigator Disturbance on Nest Attendance and Egg Predation in Eurasian Oystercatchers
Nanette Verboven, Bruno J. Ens, and Sharon Dechesne
Nocturnal Activities of Post-breeding Wood Storks
A. Larry Bryan Jr., Joel W. Snodgrass, John R. Robinette, James L. Daly, and I. Lehr Brisbin Jr.
Timing of Breeding Range Occupancy among High-latitude Passerine Migrants
Anna-Marie Benson and Kevin Winker
Growth Rate and Energetics of Arabian Babbler "turdoides Squamiceps" Nestlings
Avner Anava, Michael Kam, Amiram Shkolnik, and A. Allan Degen
Does Group Size Affect Field Metabolic Rate of Arabian Babbler "turdoides Squamiceps" Nestlings?
Avner Anava, Michael Kam, Amiram Shkolnik, and A. Allan Degen
Diving Depths of Northern Gannets: Acoustic Observations of Sula Bassana from an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
Andrew S. Brierley and Paul G. Fernandesz
Factors Affecting Reed Warbler Risk of Brood Parasitism by the Common Cuckoo
Alice L. Clarke, Ingar J. Oeien, Marcel Honza, Arne Moksnes, and Eivin Roeskaft
Latitudinal Variation in Female Local Return Rate in the Philopatric Pied Flycatcher "ficedula Hypoleuca"
Juan Jose Sanz
Territorial Movements of Black-throated Blue Warblers in a Landscape Fragmented by Forestry
Rebecca J. Harris and J. Michael Reed
Sexual Size Dimorphism and Positive Assortative Mating in Alpine Choughs "pyrrhocorax Graculus"
Anne Delestrade
Ecology and Evolution of Darwin's Finches (review)
Rand-all Breitwisch
Untangling Ecological Complexity: the Macroscopic Perspective (review)
Philip C. Stouffer
Atlas Das Aves Invernantes Do Baixo Alentejo "atlas of the Winter Birds of Lower Alentejo" (review)
Philip C. Stouffer
Les Oiseaux De France (review)
Jean-marc Thiollay
A Guide to the Birds of Southeast Asia: Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia (review)
Alison R. Styring
Ecology and Evolution of Darwin's Finches (review)
Rand-all Breitwisch
Untangling Ecological Complexity: the Macroscopic Perspective (review)
Philip C. Stouffer
Atlas Das Aves Invernantes Do Baixo Alentejo "atlas of the Winter Birds of Lower Alentejo" (review)
Philip C. Stouffer
Les Oiseaux De France (review)
Jean-marc Thiollay
A Guide to the Birds of Southeast Asia: Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia (review)
Alison R. Styring
In Memoriam
In Memoriam: Luis Felipe Baptista, 1941-2000
Sandra L. Gaunt and Barbara B. Dewolfe
Disease Emergence in Birds: Challenges for the Twenty-first Century
Milton Friend, Robert G. Mclean, and F. Joshua Dein
Bird Assemblages in Second-growth and Old-growth Forests, Costa Rica: Perspectives from Mist Nets and Point Counts
John G. Blake and Bette A. Loiselle
Dynamics of Conjunctivitis and Mycoplasma Gallisepticum Infections in House Finches
Barry K. Hartup, Jean M. Dhondt, David H. Ley, and George V. Kollias
A New Species of Tody-tyrant "tyrannidae: Poecilotriccus" from Northern Peru
Ned K. Johnson and Robert E. Jones
Long-term Study of Apparent Survival in Pacific Golden-plovers at a Wintering Ground on Oahu, Hawaiian Islands
Oscar W. Johnson, Phillip L. Bruner, Jay J. Rotella, and Patricia M. Bruner
Effects of Supplemental Food on Parental-care Strategies and Juvenile Survival of Northern Goshawks
Sarah R. Dewey and Patricia L. Kennedy
Geographic Variation in the Song of Willow Flycatchers: Differentiation Between Empidonax Traillii Adastus and E T Extimus
James A. Sedgwick
Effects of Habitat Fragmentation on Pairing Success of Ovenbirds: Importance of Male Age and Floater Behavior
Erin M. Bayne and Keith A. Hobson
Bird Migration through a Mountain Pass Studied with High Resolution Radar, Ceilometers, and Census
Timothy C. Williams, Janet M. Williams, Peter G. Williams, and Paul Stokstad
Lek-like Mating System of the Monogamous Blue-black Grassquit
Juliana B. Almeida and Regina H. Macedo
Microclimate of Tree Cavity Nests: is It Important for Reproductive Success in Northern Flickers?
Karen L. Wiebe
Reclaimed Coal Mine Grasslands and Their Significance for Henslow's Sparrows in the American Midwest
Robb A. Bajema, Travis L. Devault, Peter E. Scott, and Steven L. Lima
Avian Responses to Restoration: Nest-site Selection and Reproductive Success in Song Sparrows
Brenda Larison, Stephen A. Laymon, Pamela L. Williams, and Thomas B. Smith
Bird Diversity Components in Australian Eucalyptus and North-temperate Quercus Woodlands
Martin L. Cody
Geographic Variation, Hybridization, and the Leapfrog Pattern of Evolution in the Suiriri Flycatcher "suiriri Suiriri" Complex
Floyd E. Hayes
Avifauna of a Lowland Forest Site on Isabel, Solomon Islands
Andrew W. Kratter, David W. Steadman, Catherine E. Smith, Christopher E. Filardi, and Horace P. Webb
Foraging Strategies and Niche Dynamics of Coexisting Shorebirds at Stopover Sites in the Southern Great Plains
Craig A. Davis and Loren M. Smith
Perspectives In Ornithology
Advances in Avian Behavioral Endocrinology
Barney A. Schlinger, Kiran K. Soma, and Colin Saldanha