The Habits and Individualities of the Red-shouldered Hawk (buteo Lineatus) in the Vicinity of Brookline, Mass
Fred. H. Kennard
Notes on Certain Water Birds in Massachusetts
George H. Mackay
Staten Island Crows and Their Roosts
William T. Davis
Recent Literature
Mcilwraith's Birds of Ontario
J. A. Allen
Elliot's Monograph of the Pittid[ae]
J. A. Allen
A Bird-lover in the West
F. M. C.
The Birds of Kentucky
F. M. C.
Cherrie on Costarican Birds
F. M. C.
Jouy on Central Mexican Birds
F. M. C.
Verrill on the Birds of Dominica
F. M. C.
Publications Received
The Auk
General Notes
Northern Phalaropes Off the New Hampshire Coast
Reginald I. Brasher
Turkey Vulture in Eastern Massachusetts
Francis Beach White
The Barn Owl (strix Pratincola) in Northern Vermont
Martha G. Tyler
Observations on the Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Jane L. Hine
The Bobolink on the Coast of South Carolina
Leverett M. Loomis
Leconte's Sparrow (ammodramus Lecouteii) in Large Numbers near Charleston, South Carolina
Arthur T. Wayne
Taming a Chipping Sparrow (spizella Socialis)
Amelia M. Watson
Kirtland's Warbler in Northeastern Illinois
B. T. Gault
The Mockingbird in Wyoming
Frank Bond
Bird Notes from Virginia
Edward J. Brown
Connecticut Notes
Clark Greenwood Voorhees
Notes on Kansas Birds
V. L. Kellogg
Temperature and Nest-building
G. H. Ragsdale
Change of Habits in Our Native Birds
F. H. Kimcoll
Notes and News
Notes and News
The Auk
Front Matter
The Auk