
University of South Florida (USF) M3 Publishing


Geographically Indications (GI) is as a niche market for countries, creates value-added and has a strong link with origin and cultural heritage. The aim of this study is to examine registered GI products that can be considered as gastronomically in Turkey in terms of regions and product groups determined by the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office. For this purpose, the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office Geographical Indications Portal (www.ci.turkpatent.gov.tr) was examined in depth, based on the descriptive scanning model. As a result of the examinations, it has been seen that Turkey has 825 registered GI of food and agricultural. It was determined that 553 of the products in question were registered with Protected Geographical Indications (%67) and 272 Protected Designation of Origin (%33). When these registered GI of food and agricultural products are analyzed, for the basis of the regions with 162 the Black Sea Region comes first and for provincial basis, Gaziantep has the feature of the most with 71, finally with 241 of food and soups comes first on the basis of product groups also 2021 were determined as the most intense basis of the years since 2002.



Recommended Citation

Akdemir, N., & Şimşek, A. (2022). Characteristic of Turkey registered geographical indications (GI) of food and agricultural products in regions. In L. Altinay, O. M. Karatepe, & M. Tuna (Eds.), Advances in managing tourism across continents (Vol. 2, pp. 1–11). USF M3 Publishing. https://www.doi.org/10.5038/9781955833080

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