
Author Biography

Victor H. Sundquist is currently serving as a Major in the United States Army. He is presently the Officer in Charge of the Central Command (CENTCOM) Counterterrorism South Team located in San Antonio, Texas. He has served in the Armed Forces for more than 22 years both as an enlisted soldier in the 7th Infantry Division and as a commissioned officer in multiple worldwide units. He has deployed on missions throughout the world to include Operation IRAQI FREEDOM where he acted as the Brigade G-2 (Intelligence Officer) for 1st Calvary's Military Transitional Teams in Northern Iraq. He is a 1995 graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point and is currently enrolled in the Counterterrorism Masters Program at Henley-Putnam University.



Subject Area Keywords

Civil war and internal conflict, Europe and EU, History, Political violence, Security studies, Social movements


As the world's governments become increasingly engulfed in economic and political strife, international leaders should step back and understand what historical realities enabled political extremism to surface in particular regions of the world. More important, these leaders need to recognize what past governments did to counter these movements. Global communities are currently witnessing a dynamic trend of populous uprisings that in some cases, like Greece and the United States, have the potential to severely disrupt the activities of local governments. Consequently, it behooves leaders to reflect upon historical precedence in order to avoid repeating the same mistakes of our forefathers. Accordingly, the rise and fall of the Italian Red Brigades represents a classic case study from which to understand the dynamics behind the development of a political terrorist organization and its effects on society as a whole.
