
Author Biography

Kostiantyn Orobets, PhD in Law, is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Criminal Law Policy in Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Kharkiv, Ukraine. His research interests include problems of axiology of criminal law, criminal law policy, national security, fight against corruption, environmental and military crimes.



Subject Area Keywords

Corruption, Europe and EU, Law enforcement, Russia, Security policy, Sociocultural dynamics in security, Stabilization and reconstruction


In the context of war, the issue of corruption in Ukraine and abuse of office attracts great attention from experts, scholars, and civil society. The article aims to highlight the dynamics of combating corruption in Ukraine. This includes its main challenges, achievements, and ways of overcoming them in the context of war. The paper employs analysis and synthesis methods to study the dynamics of combating corruption in Ukraine. The authors have reviewed reforms in various sectors to identify key achievements in each corruption risk area. The article highlights the key achievements in the dynamics of combating corruption in Ukraine during 2012-2022. The authors emphasize the economic effects of anti-corruption measures. Among the key positive achievements are the following: organizational, institutional, and legal changes in public administration in various fields of activity; qualitative changes in the corporate governance system and implementation of corporate organizational structures based on international standards in state-owned enterprises that are not subject to privatization; digitalization of public authorities as a way to prevent corruption. Digitalization is an essential factor in counteracting and preventing abuse of power. It enhances transparency and accountability, as evidenced by the number of changes in taxation, public procurement, and the judicial system under study. The authors highlight the key principles for implementing anti-corruption measures and reforms in Ukraine in the context of recovery and post-war reconstruction.
