Alternative Title
USF St. Petersburg by the Decades: 1985 - 1995: Cultivating Town and Gown Relationships
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Creation Date
January 2016
The speakers seated at a table during the third session, "Cultivating Town and Gown Relationships," of a five-part lecture series entitled "USF St. Petersburg by the Decades: 1985-1995," that celebrated the history of University of South Florida St. Petersburg. The speakers are, from left to right: Ellen Babb, Gert Anderson, Ian Davis, Pearl Williamson, Raymond Arsenault, Peter Betzer, and Patrick Razza.
University of South Florida St. Petersburg, Biographies, USFSP 50th, Alumni and alumnae, Lectures and lecturing
1 color photograph
Geographic Location
Pinellas County (Fla.); St. Petersburg (Fla.)
Media Type
Color photographs
Recommended Citation
van Beynen, Kaya and Hamlin, Heidi, "Speakers at Cultivating Town and Gown Relationships Event, Q" (2016). USF St. Petersburg 50th Celebration: By the Decades: Images. Image 84.
University of South Florida St. Petersburg, Biographies, USFSP 50th, Alumni and alumnae, Lectures and lecturing