Tropical Ecology and Conservation [Monteverde Institute]

Alternative Title

Comportamiento de agregación y la propiedad de nido de Crawfodapis luctuosa (Diphaglossinae: Apidae)


Nathan J. Spaht



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Publication Date

August 2008


Crawfordapis luctuosa is a large, black, diurnal bee found in aggregations on exposed clay sites above 1500m in elevation from the highlands of Mexico to Panama. Many past studies have attempted to classify the exact sociality and nest ownership of this species; this study follows their examples in an attempt to better define these behaviors. Data was gathered on nest usage, visitation behavior as well as aggressive and non-aggressive interactions. This study reaches no definite conclusions as to the patterns of nest ownership in the five days of observation. Individuals consistently visited more than one nest and up to seven different nests. These multiple visits are likely searches for abandoned nests or new nests if previous nests have been stolen by Pseudoxycheila tarsalis or other members of the colony. Instances of two bees inhabiting the same nest simultaneously were observed and concluded to demonstrate a degree of cooperation, though some interactions ended violently. This study has concluded that C. luctuosa is a mostly solitary bee and that interactions between individuals are mostly random, and although there is evidence of both cooperation and competition within the colony, it is limited.


Crawfordapis luctuosa es una abeja grande, negra y diurna encontrada en agregaciones en sitios arcillosos expuestos por encima de los 1500m, en las zonas altas desde México hasta Panamá. Muchos estudios anteriores han intentado clasificar la propiedad exacta de la sociabilidad y de la jerarquía de esta especie. Este estudio sigue sus ejemplos en un intento por definir mejor estos comportamientos.


Bees--Behavior, CIEE Summer 2008

Palabras claves

Abejas--Comportamiento, CIEE Verano 2008


9 pages

Geographic Location

Monteverde (Puntarenas, Costa Rica)

Holding Location

Monteverde Institute


English; Spanish

Media Type



Digital Only





Aggregational behavior and nest ownership of Crawfodapis luctuosa (Diphaglossinae: Apidae), August 2008



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