Tropical Ecology and Conservation [Monteverde Institute]

Alternative Title

Implementación de un jardín de plantas medicinales nativas en Monteverde, Costa Rica


Cory Howes



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Publication Date

May 2008


The importance of plants has played a powerful role for medicine throughout human history. Tribes in Costa Rica once practiced Shamanism with native flora, but European settlement in the 15th and 16th centuries brought disease, killing much of the aborigines. With their loss, vast amounts of information had been lost regarding what plants they used for medicine. By implementing a garden at the Estación Biológica Monteverde in Monteverde, Costa Rica, an educational tool is created to give students first hand knowledge of 30 native medicinal plants found in Costa Rica. A booklet on the 30 plants was developed to educate about the plant description, medicinal uses and preparation of the plant. It is hoped the garden will inspire students to learn about how to use plants for their health and well-being.


La importancia de las plantas ha tenido un papel poderoso para la medicina en toda la historia. Las tribus en Costa Rica han practicado el Chamanismo con la flora nativa, pero el colono Europeo en el decimoquinto, y decimosexto siglo trajeron enfermedades, matando muchos de los aborígenes. Con esta perdida, mucha de la información se ha perdido respecto a las plantas usadas como medicina. Implementando un jardín en la Estación Biológica en Monteverde, Costa Rica, se esta creando una herramienta para dar a los estudiantes conocimientos de primera mano de 30 plantas nativas medicinales que se encuentran en Costa Rica.


Medicinal plants, School gardens, CIEE Spring 2008

Palabras claves

Plantas medicinales, Jardines escolares, CIEE Primavera 2008


9 pages

Geographic Location

Monteverde Biological Station (Costa Rica)

Ubicación geográfica

Estación Biológica de Monteverde (Costa Rica)

Holding Location

Monteverde Institute


English; Spanish

Media Type



Digital Only





Implementing a native medicinal plant garden in Monteverde, Costa Rica, May 2008



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