Snow Family Papers
Receipt, W.W. Wall & Company to Anderson Mayo, October 6, 1873
W.W. Wall & Company
Record of payment from W.W. Wall & Company to Francis H. Ederington's estate administrator, Anderson Mayo, and as well as the envelope.
Letter, M.N. Hill to Anderson Mayo, August 30, 1868
M. N. Hill
Letter from M.N. Hill to Anderson Mayo regarding debt.
Letter, Anderson Mayo to Eberhard Faber, July 30, 1867
Anderson Mayo
Letter from Anderson Mayo to Eberhard Faber asking for a full statement of his indebtedness and payments to Francis H. Ederington.
Sale Inventories, Estate of Francis H. Ederington, July 16, 1867
Anderson Mayo and William M. Garrison
A inventory with sales marked of Francis H. Ederington's estates after death. Includes information about appraisal and goods sold through auction. The appraisals are dated June 12, 1867 and July 10, 1867.
Affidavit, Appointment of Anderson Mayo as Administrator of John M. Nevitt Estate, June 24, 1867
William M. Garrison
An affidavit appointing Anderson Mayo as the administrator of John M. Nevitt's estate.
Receipt, Precious Ederington to Saul H. Lyles, April 10, 1867
Saul H. Lyles
A receipt for shoes bought by Precious Ederington from Saul H. Lyles for three dollars.
Receipt, C.S. Blackshear for Precious Ederington, April 1, 1867
C. S. Blackshear
A receipt for hardware equipment bought by Precious Ederington from C.S. Blackshear.
Receipt, Saul H. Lyles for Precious Ederington, March 22, 1867
Saul H. Lyles
A receipt for shoes bought by Precious Ederington from Saul H. Lyles.
Receipt, F.E. Saxon for Francis H. Ederington, January 12, 1867
E. F. Saxon
A receipt for two bottles of whiskey, one bought on October 12, 1866, another bought October 28, 1866, by Francis H. Ederington from F.E. Saxon. The receipt is dated January 12, 1867.
Receipt, Ederington & Wall for William H. Mein, November 20, 1866
William H. Mein
Invoices of goods purchased by William H. Mein from Ederington and Wall. Included are dishes, kitchen utensils, clothing, fabric, hardware, and cleaning supplies.
Invoices, Goods Purchased from New York Merchants by Francis H. Ederington, October 26, 1866
Theodore W. Bailey, Martin E. Kingman, Childs & Smith, and Henderich & Maas
Invoices of items purchased by Francis H. Ederington from various New York merchants, including Childs & Smith, M.E. Kingman, Theodore W. Bailey. Items bought include clothing, furniture, and wallpaper.
Receipt, D. Stanbury for Francis H. Ederington, October 25, 1866
D. Stanbury
Receipt from D. Stanbury of New York for grocery goods purchased by Francis H. Ederington on behalf of Precious Ederington.
Receipt, John Parsons for Francis H. Ederington, September 5, 1866
John Parsons
A receipt of payment to John Parsons from Francis H. Ederington.
Account Log, W.W. Wall & Company for Francis H. Ederington, August 31, 1866
Francis H. Ederington
An account log with entries for May 24, 1866, and August 31, 1866, for lumber purchased by Francis H. Ederington from the W.W. Wall & Company.
Letter, Eberhard Faber to Francis H. Ederington, August 18, 1866
Eberhard Faber
A letter to Francis H. Ederington from Eberhard Faber discussing annulled agreements due to a lack of fulfilling shipment promises.
Promissory Notes, Francis H. Ederington and Eberhard Faber to C.L. Frible, P.G. Wall to Francis H. Ederington, August 18, 1866
P. G. Wall, Eberhard Faber, and Francis H. Ederington
Two promissory notes; one from Francis H. Ederington and Eberhard Faber to C.L. Frible, and another from P.G. Wall to Francis H. Ederington.
Memorandum of Agreement, John Parsons and Eberhard Faber and Francis H. Ederington, Red Cedar, July 4, 1866
Francis H. Ederington, Eberhard Faber, and John Parsons
Copy of a memorandum of agreement between John Parsons, Eberhard Faber, and Francis H. Ederington regarding red cedar timber.
Letter, Eberhard Faber to Francis H. Ederington, June 21, 1866
Eberhard Faber
A letter to Francis H. Ederington from Eberhard Faber discussing delayed shipment of goods on the Schooner "Sarah Helen" and the burning of 75 cedar logs.
Bill of Sale, John M. Nevitt for Francis H. Ederington, June 18, 1866
Francis H. Ederington and John M. Nevitt
Bill of sale for items purchased by Francis H. Ederington from John M. Nevitt including a mule, leather, and a gun.
Appraisal, Goods, Chattels, Rights, and Credits of the Deceased John M. Nevitt, June 6, 1866
Francis H. Ederington
Inventory of the goods, chattels, rights, and credits of John M. Nevitt after his death. Written by Francis H. Ederington and signed by Anderson Mayo.
Letter, David L. Yulee to Francis H. Ederington, May 7, 1866
David L. Yulee
Letter from David L. Yulee to Francis H. Ederington discussing payments for cedar cut on his land.
Letter, William M. Garrison to Francis H. Ederington, April 17, 1866
William M. Garrison
Letter appointing Francis H. Ederington as the administrator of John M. Nevitt's estate, written by William M. Garrison, Probate judge for Hernando County, Florida.
Receipt, Eberhard Faber for Francis H. Ederington, April 17, 1866
Eberhard Faber
Confirmation of good shipped by Eberhard Faber to Francis H. Ederington on the on Schooner "Sarah Helen."
Letter and Invoice, Eberhard Faber to Francis H. Ederington, April 11, 1866
Eberhard Faber
Letter and invoice sent to Francis H. Ederington from Eberhard Faber for a boat, equipment, and other charges.
Bill, John P. Wall for Edmund Boyet, April 7, 1866
John P. Wall
Bill for the medical care of Edmund Boyet signed by John P. Wall.
Letter, Eberhard Faber to Francis H. Ederington, March 12, 1866
Eberhard Faber
A letter from Eberhard Faber to Francis H. Ederington about goods shipped on the schooner "Francis Burritt." Also included is an invoice of the goods shipped.
Invoice, Goods Shipped from Eberhard Faber to Francis H. Ederington, March 9, 1866
Eberhard Faber
Notice of goods shipped to Francis H. Ederington from Eberhard Faber including sugar, bread, tobacco, merchandise, bacon, flour, hay bales, and more. Items were shipped on the Schooner "Frances Burritt."
Account Log, Bag Wool Sold to Francis H. Ederington, January 29, 1866
Eberhard Faber
Account of sales for bag wool including charges for freight and wrecking expenses at Key West, labor, and more, for Francis H. Ederington by Eberhard Faber.
Account Log, Expense Account for Year 1865 for Francis H. Ederington
Francis H. Ederington
Francis H. Ederington's expense account for 1865 containing information about lumber purchases and more.
Letters and Invoices, Eberhard Faber Selling to Francis H. Ederington, December 29, 1865.
Eberhard Faber
Letters, invoices, and envelopes for proof of sale of goods from Eberhard Faber to Francis H. Ederington. Goods sold include grocery foodstuffs.
Check, Eberhard Faber to Francis H. Ederington, December 19, 1865
Eberhard Faber
Check from Eberhard Faber to Francis H. Ederington to pay Timber Agent John Parsons at Bayport, Florida.
Letter, David L. Yulee to Francis H. Ederington, November 15, 1865
David L. Yulee
Letter to Francis H. Ederington from D.L Yulee with notes by Joseph M. Taylor and E.A. Jeffords. A note on the top of the page reads "in prison at Fort Pulaski."
Agreement, Francis H. Ederington with Eberhard Faber, Florida Red Cedar, October 3, 1865
Francis H. Ederington, Eberhard Faber, and T. Vaughn
Agreement between Francis H. Ederington and Eberhard Faber regarding Florida Red Cedar, signed by both parties and T. Vaughn.
Receipt, Francis H. Ederington for the Confederate States of America, September 2, 1865
Francis H. Ederington
A receipt from Francis H. Ederington to the Confederate States of America for hauling goods.
Receipts and Envelope by Eberhard Faber Florida Red Cedar Depot to Francis H. Ederington, August 26, 1865
Eberhard Faber Florida Red Cedar Depot
Envelope and receipt from Eberhard Faber Florida Red Cedar Depot for Francis H. Ederington noting the shipment of goods.
Invoice, Eberhard Faber Florida Red Cedar Depot for Francis H. Ederington, August 24, 1865
Eberhard Faber Florida Red Cedar Depot
Invoice of items, including sundries, cash, and gold sent to Francis H. Ederington by Eberhard Faber Florida Red Cedar Depot
Agreement between T. Vaughn and Eberhard Faber, June 5, 1865
Francis H. Ederington
Agreement between T. Vaughn and Eberhard Faber regarding lumber.
Tally Sheet, Logs Received for Francis H. Ederington, June 1865
Francis H. Ederington
Tally sheet for Francis H. Ederington received from Eberhard Faber for the number of logs from Timber Agent T.T. Vaughn.
Receipt, Purchase of Registered Bonds of the Confederate States of America, March 25, 1864
Confederate States of America
Receipt for purchase of registered bonds from the Confederate States of America by Francis H. Ederington.
Deed, William H. Mein Purchase of Floral Hill from the Haymans, January 18, 1864
James C. Lum
Record of purchase of "Floral Hill" by William H. Mein from the Haymans created by the Clerk of the Circuit Court in Hernando County, Florida, James C. Lum.
Account Book, Items Owed by C.L. Nevitt, 1864
Francis H. Ederington
Account of C.L. Nevitt's debts arranged by Francis H. Ederington
Receipt, Hiring of Lilmon, April 1863
John M. Nevitt
A receipt for hiring Lilmon, an enslaved Black boy, from the estate of John M. Nevitt.
Promissory Note, C.L. Nevitt to John M. Nevitt, February 3, 1765
C. L. Nevitt
Promissory note from C.L. Nevitt to J.M. Nevitt.
Vital Statistics, Pages from the McKeown Family Bible, 1863
Headquarters Registration and Draft and A. P. McKeown
McKeown family records, including births, deaths, and marriages. The last page is an envelope from the Headquarters Registration and Draft in Tallahassee, Florida addressed to A.P. McKeown in Brooksville, Florida
Note, Francis H. Ederington and John M. Nevitt for Joshua Stafford, December 2, 1862
Francis H. Ederington and John M. Nevitt
Settled note for Joshua Stafford, signed by Francis H. Ederington and John M. Nevitt.
Warrant, Stolen Watch, May 22, 1962
William H. Mein
Search and arrest warrant issued by William H. Mein, Justice of Peace, for a case involving a stolen watch.
Summons, Ben Lane & Co., April 14, 1862
William H. Mein
Summons issued to Ben Lane & Co. by William H. Mein, Justice of Peace.
Promissory Note, Matilda H. May to Francis H. Ederington, June 1, 1861
Matilda H. May and Henderson & Henderson
A promissory note from Matilda H. May to pay Francis H. Ederington. The note was witnessed by the Henderson & Henderson law firm.
Letter, Constance Potter to Francis H. Ederington, February 12, 1861
Constance Potter
Letter from Constance Potter to Francis H. Ederington discussing trespassers on land.
Letter, David L. Yulee to Francis H. Ederington, January 9, 1861
David L. Yulee
Letter from David L. Yulee to Francis H. Ederington discussing timber cut on Mr. Finnegan's land.
Letter, General Land Office to Francis H. Ederington, November 22, 1860
General Land Office
Letter to Francis H. Ederington from an employee at the General Land Office discussing the Florida Armed Occupation Act.
Letter, David L. Yulee to Francis H. Ederington, October 26, 1860
Francis H. Ederington
Letter from David L. Yulee to Francis H. Ederington in a canvas envelope.
Letter, General Land Office to Francis H. Ederington, May 17, 1860
General Land Office
Letter to Francis H. Ederington from an employee at the General Land Office discussing a land grant for Constance Potter.
Land Deed, C.J. McMinn to John M. Nevitt, December 16, 1859
Malcolm Peterson
Land deed from C.J. McMinn to John M. Nevitt.
Letter, David L. Yulee to William H. Mein, May 20, 1859, A
David L. Yulee
Letter to William H. Mein from David L. Yulee discussing information requested.
Letter, David L. Yulee to William H. Mein, May 20, 1859, B
David L. Yulee
Letter to William H. Mein from David L. Yulee discussing information requested.
Letter, Pension Office to William H. Mein, March 19, 1859
Pension Office
Letter to William H. Mein from the pension office discussing bounty land.
Letter, William H. Mein on Allen vs. Leggett, March 5, 1859
William H. Mein
A letter written by William H. Mein authorizing the seizure of property to settle a lawsuit.
Letter, John Robb to David L. Yulee, January 18, 1859
John Rob
Letter to David L. Yulee, U.S. Senate from John Robb related to bounty land.
Notice, Land Transfer between Stephen Douglas and William R. Overstreet, November 26, 1858
William H. Mein
A notice to seize estate from Stephen Douglas to William R. Overstreet for debt settlement.
Letter, Precious Ederington to Sister, July 26, 1858
Precious Ederington
A personal letter from Precious Ederington to her sister about ordering clothing.
Three Promissory Notes from Francis H. Ederington to David S. Walker, July 26, 1858
Francis H. Ederington
Promissory notes to David S. Walker, Register of Public Lands for the State of Florida, from Francis H. Ederington for varying amounts, each due one year apart.
Letter, L.B. LaCroix to William H. Mein, July 7, 1858
M. B. La Croix
Letter from M.B. La Croix to William H. Mein discussing delivery of eyeglasses from American Express.
Three Promissory Notes from Francis H. Ederington to David S. Walker, July 6, 1858
Francis H. Ederington
Three promissory notes to David S. Walker, Register of Public Lands, from Francis H. Ederington.
Promissory Note, Francis H. Ederington to Francis A. Johnson, May 29, 1858
Francis H. Ederington
Promissory note to Francis A. Johnson from Francis H. Ederington.
Three Promissory Notes from Francis H. Ederington to David S. Walker, May 20, 1858
Francis H. Ederington
Three promissory notes to David S. Walker, Register of Public Lands, from Francis H. Ederington.
Three Promissory Notes from Francis H. Ederington to David S. Walker, May 10, 1858
Francis H. Ederington
Three promissory notes to David S. Walker, Register of Public Lands, from Francis H. Ederington. The first note is noted as paid.
Loan Agreement, Francis H. Ederington and Francis A. Johnson, May 1, 1856
Francis A. Johnson
A loan agreement from Francis A. Johnson to pay Francis H. Ederington.
Promissory Note, Francis H. Ederington to Francis A. Johnson, April 20, 1858
Francis H. Ederington
Promissory note to Francis A. Johnson from Francis H. Ederington
Affidavit, Bounty Land for James Powell, April 4, 1858
Joseph C. Beckhand
An affidavit for bounty land of James Powell for 1807 service in war between the United States Army and the Maskoke (Muskogee-Creek)
Notice, Land Transfer between Joseph Hale vs. John P. Selph, January 7, 1858
William H. Mein
A notice to seize estate from John P. Selph to Joseph Hale for debt settlement
Letter, George C. Whiting to William H. Mein, September 25, 1857
George C. Whiting and William H. Mein
A typed letter by Commissioner George C. Whiting noting the suspension of W.B. Powell's claim for Bounty Land. The letter is titled Act of March 3, 1855, and May 14, 1856. On the letter, there are handwritten notes by William H. Mein
Letter, D.F. Blackburn to Francis H. Ederington, August 28, 1857
D. F. Blackburn
Letter from D.F. Blackburn M.D. to Francis H. Ederington with a recipe enclosed. Blackburn also suggests that Ederington purchase a high quality syringe from him for five dollars.
Letter, D.F. Blackburn to Francis H. Ederington, June 17, 1857
D. F. Blackburn
Letter from D.F. Blackburn M.D. providing medical advice regarding conception and preventing contraception with a sponge. A note written on the top of the letter marks it as confidential.
Deed, Malcolm C. Peterson to James A. Alexander, February 25, 1857
William H. Mein
Deed for the transfer of property from Malcolm C. Peterson to James A. Alexander.
Notice, Land Bought by Francis H. Ederington from Bob Parsons, February 2, 1857
Bob Parsons
A legal notice detailing a transaction between Francis H. Ederington and Bob Parsons.
Receipt, Wesley Crosby to Anderson Mayo, January 28, 1857
Wesley Crosby
A receipt of payment to Anderson May from Wesley Crosby.
Promissory Note, William H. Mein to Mike Kennedy & Darling's Merchant Store, August 29, 1856
William H. Mein
A promissory note written and signed by William H. Mein, Justice of Peace, for the Mike Kennedy & Darling Merchant Store.
Letter, Florida Treasury Department to William H. Mein, March 24, 1856
Florida. Comptroller's Office
Letter to William H. Mein from J.W.B. of the Treasury Comptroller's Office in Tallahassee, Florida discussing payments
Judgment, Seals & Baker vs. Merrit Giddens, December 6, 1855
William H. Mein
A judgment from William H. Mein, Justice of the Peace, authorizing the seizure of property to settle a law suit
Warrant, William H. Mein to David A. Allen, October 11, 1855
William H. Mein
An Indigenous patrol warrant issued by William H. Mein, Justice of Peace, to David A. Allen, appointing him Captain of Patrol on behalf of the State of Florida.
Calculations, Francis H. Ederington Financial Account, May 3, 1855
Francis H. Ederington
Handwritten calculations of interest for the finances of Francis H. Ederington.
Letter, William H. Mein to Emma Mein, April 29, 1855
William H. Mein
A personal letter written by William H. Mein to his niece in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Letter, Ann Mayo to Elizabeth McKeown, February 11, 1854
Ann Mayo
A letter from Ann Mayo to her "little sister," Elizabeth McKeown.
Receipt, Purchase of Hinson from James E. Allen, February 11, 1854
William H. Mein, James E. Allen, and Anderson Mayo
A receipt for the sale of Hinson, an enslaved person, purchased by William H. Mein from James E. Allen for the sum of 2,750 dollars. The receipt is signed by William H. Mein, James E. Allen, and Anderson Mayo.
Letter, P.T. Tucker to William H. Mein, February 25, 1852
P. T. Tucker
Letter from P.T. Tucker to W.H. Mein discussing payments
Contract, Columbus R. Alexander and Family Bonded by William H. Mein, June 3, 1851
William H. Mein
A contract binding Columbus R. Alexander and family unto William H. Mein in the sum of two hundred dollars.
Deed, Transfer from Columbus R. Alexander to William H. Mein, June 2, 1851
Columbus R. Alexander and William H. Mein
The record of a transaction by which land was sold by Columbus R. Alexander, M.D., to William H. Mein for the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars.
Bill of Sale, Peggy from Light Townsend to Benjamin Hagler, March 3, 1851
Light Townsend
A bill of sale for Peggy, an enslaved Black woman, sold for the sum of two hundred dollars from Light Townsend to Benjamin Hagler
Deed, Property Transaction from Martha Hayman to Columbus R. Alexander, December 8, 1849
William H. Mein, Martha G. Hayman, and Jeremiah M. Hayman
Records of a transaction between Jeremiah M. Hayman and Martha G. Hayman, and Columbus R. Alexander, signed by William H. Mein.
Receipt, South Carolina Property Transaction between Francis H. Ederington and Jacob F. Feaster, July 10, 1849
Francis H. Ederington and Jacob T. Feaster
A receipt for the sale of 8.3 acres of land in South Carolina, purchased by Francis H. Ederington from Jacob T. Feaster at the price of six dollars per acre.
Deed and Receipt, Land Sold in South Carolina, Signed by Green H. Boulware and William D. Seymour, February 21, 1849
William D. Seymour, Green H. Boulware, Francis H. Ederington, and Jacob T. Feaster
Receipt and deed of a land transaction taking place in South Carolina. The record was signed by Green H. Boulware, Francis H. Ederington, Jacob Feaster, and William D. Seymour.
Judgment, Francis H. Ederington Inheritance from Henry Ederington II, November 1, 1827
J. B. McCants
The legal judgment written by J.B. McCants to address the question of land ownership and inheritance after the death of Henry Ederington's widow.
Account Book, William H. Mein, December 8, 1826
William H. Mein
The account book in which William H. Mein recorded his purchases. A recipe for the cure for diarrhea is written on the final page.