Building Solidarity Across Educational Communities: Cultivating Spaces Where Students Thrive
MAY 30 – JUNE 1
Hosted at the USF College of Education Tampa campus & Patel College of Global Sustainability
This conference aims to harness the power of community, interconnectedness, and inclusivity in our collective efforts to create and sustain educational spaces for students to succeed.
While the RISE Caribbean project is focused on supporting research that examines educational contexts specific to the Caribbean, we acknowledge that many of the challenges faced by educators, family members, and students in the Caribbean are mirrored in other countries, communities, and across global contexts. We invite proposals that imagine possibilities around which we can plan collectively to improve the experiences, well-being, and educational outcomes for all children, especially those for whom achievement, equity, and justice have long been withheld.
We value advocacy work that is interconnected and builds alliances across stakeholders. We hope this conference will bring together the following groups of people:
- Higher education faculty and researchers
- Practicing PreK-12 teachers, instructional coaches, and administrators
- Teachers of Students with Exceptionalities
- Graduate students and novice researchers
- School Related Personnel, including School Psychologists, Guidance Counselors, and Instructional
- Assistants/Paraprofessionals
- Teachers’ Union Representatives and Members
- Policy advocacy presentations
This promises to be an exciting and informative conference that engages all of us who are committed to educational excellence for our children.