The Concept of Floater
Kevin Winker
Habitats, Density, Population Size, and the Future of the Guadeloupe Woodpecker (melanerpes Herminieri)
Pascal Villard and Alain Rousteau
One-parent Nesting in Cinnamon-vented Pihas (lipaugus Lanioides, Cotinginae, Tyrannidae)
Edwin O. Willis and Yoshika Oniki
La Avifauna Del Sotobosque De Una Selva Decidua Tropical En Venezuela
Carlos Verea and Alecio Solorzano
Group Size and Nesting in the Rufous-vented Chachalaca (ortalis Ruficauda) in North and Central Venezuela
Angela Schmitz-Ornes
A Distinctive New Subspecies of the Green-cheeked Parakeet (pyrrhura Molinae, Psittacidae) from Bolivia
Sjoerd Maijer, Sebastian K. Herzog, Michael Kessler, Michael T. Friggens, and Jon Fjeldsa
Distribucion De Aves Marinas En La Costa Patagonica Argentina
Diego Montalti and Jose L. Orgeira
The Need to Collect Birds in the Neotropics
Francois Vuilleumier
First Description of the Nest and Eggs of the Tanager Finch (oreothraupis Arremonops Sclater 1855), with Additional Notes on Behavior
Harold F. Greeney, Mitch Lysinger, Tom Walla, and John Clark
Breeding Observations of Cave Swallows (hirundo Fulva) at Two Cuban Sites
Salvador Peris and A. Llanes
Alimentaca Da Gralha-azul (cyanocorax Caeruleus, Corvidae)
Bianca Luisa Reinert and Marcos Ricardo Bornschein
Breeding of the Black Swift (cypseloides Niger) in Costa Rica
Manuel Marin and Julio E. Sanchez
Descripcion Del Nido De Doricha Eliza Y Ampliacion De Su Rango
Raul Ortiz-Pulido, Edmundo Flores Ceballos, and Ruben Ortiz Pulido
A Sight Record of the Harpy Eagle (harpia Harpyja) in Chiapas, Mexico
Jose Eduardo Morales-Perez
Book Reviews
Ornitología Neotropical
Index to Volume 9, 1998
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