Efectos Positivos De Lanidificacion Del Maca Comun (rollandia Rolland) En Una Coloniade Caracoleros (rostrhamus Sociabilis)
Pablo F. Petracci and Diego Basanta
Reproduction, Habitat Use, and Natural History of the Blackand-yellow Silky-flycatcher (phainoptila Melanoxantha), an Endemic Bird of the Western Panama-costa Rican Highlands
Gilbert Barrantes and Bette A. Loiselle
Effects of Human Activities in the Marine Environment on Seabirds Along the Coast of Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil
Maria V. Petry and Vanda S. da S. Fonseca
Behavior, Habitat, and Status of the Nocturnal Curassow (nothocrax Urumutum) in Northern Peru
Theodore A. Parker III
Sex Identification of Pin-tailed Manakins (ilicura Militaris: Pipridae) Using the Polymerase Chain Reaction and Its Application to Behavioral Studies
Marina Anciaes and Silvia Nassif Del Lama
Birds of Montecristo National Park, El Salvador
Oliver Komar
Book Reviews
Francois Vuiiieumier
News -- Noticias
Ornitología Neotropical
Short Communications
Roosting Behavior of the Sayaca Tanager (thraupis Sayaca) in Southeastern Brazil
Yoshika Oniki and Edwin O. Willis
Elevational and Winter Records of Birds on Two Mexican Mountains
Hector Gomez de Silva
Nueva Localidad Para El Gorrion Serrano (xenospiza Baileyi)
Adan Oliveras de Ita and Hector Gomez de Silva Garza
Distribution of Nests of the Brown Booby (sula Leucogaster) in Relation to the Inclination of Terrain
Johel Chaves-Campos and Juber Torres
Short Communications
Roosting Behavior of the Sayaca Tanager (thraupis Sayaca) in Southeastern Brazil
Yoshika Oniki and Edwin O. Willis
Elevational and Winter Records of Birds on Two Mexican Mountains
Hector Gomez de Silva
Nueva Localidad Para El Gorrion Serrano (xenospiza Baileyi)
Adan Oliveras de Ita and Hector Gomez de Silva Garza
Distribution of Nests of the Brown Booby (sula Leucogaster) in Relation to the Inclination of Terrain
Johel Chaves-Campos and Juber Torres
Points of View
La Colecta Cientifica En El Neotropico: El Caso De Las Aves De Mexico
Octavio R. Rojas-Soto, Samuel Lopez Aquino, Luis A. Sanchez-Gonzalez, and Blanca E. Hernandez-Banos
Hans-wilhelm Koepcke
Francois Vuilleumier