Vacher, quantitative literacy, quantitative reasoning, numeracy
This article celebrates H.L. (Len) Vacher, the founding editor of Numeracy. While many readers of this journal are no doubt familiar with Len’s contributions here and to quantitative literacy as a practice and habit of mind, fewer are intimately familiar with Len’s history and impacts as a professor and colleague. This paper analyzes Len's contributions to the advancement of quantitative literacy through his scholarship in the journal and through the careers of former students and colleagues at the University of South Florida. The former observations originate in interview data originally collected as part of research on Len’s computational geology course or from testimonials given at Len’s retirement banquet. This editorial-style paper is not intended as research and makes no attempt to analyze the collected quotes, but rather offers select quotes to shed light on a side of Len Vacher's work that is not observable in his scholarly output alone.
Recommended Citation
Ricchezza, Victor J., and Nathan D. Grawe. "Unquantifiable: The Impacts of Len Vacher." Numeracy 18, Iss. 1 (2025): Article 4. DOI:
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