Volume 8, Issue 2 (1978)
Snowy Plovers Nesting on the Mainland in Mississippi
Martha B. Hays
Nesting of the Dickcissel in Hinds County
William H. Turcotte
A Late Nesting of the Carolina Wren, in Hinds County
William H. Turcotte
A Red-necked Grebe in Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Larry Gates and J. Richard Moore
Hudsonian Godwits at Pascagoula, Mississippi
Peter V. Donaldson
Sooty Terns on Horn Island, Mississippi
Jerome A. Jackson, C. Dwight Cooley, and Bette J. Schardien
What Constitutes a Valid Rare Bird Record?
Jerome A. Jackson
Birds around the State: December 1977 through November 1978
Jerome A. Jackson and C. Dwight Cooley
Front Matter
Mississippi Kite
Back Matter
Mississippi Kite