The Status of Spectacled Petrels Procellaria Conspicillata and Other Seabirds at Inaccessible Island
P. G. Ryan and C. L. Moloney
At-sea Habitat Use by the Kittlitz's Murrelet Brachyramphusbrevirostris in Nearshore Waters of Prince William Sound, Alaska
R. H. Day, D. A. Nigro, and A. K. Prichard
A Newly Discovered Breeding Colony of Emperor Penguinsaptenodytes Forsteri
N. R. Coria and D. Montalti
Egyptian Geese Alopochen Aegyptiacus Moulting on Dassen Island, South Africa
L. G. Underhill, J. Kemper, P. A. Whittington, and A. C. Wolfaardt
Swift Terns Sterna Bergii Breeding on Roofs and at Other New Localities in Southern Africa
R. J. M. Crawford and B. M. Dyer
Second International Conference on the Biology and Conservation of Albatrosses and Other Petrels, Honolulu, Hawaii, 8-12 May 2000 Abstracts of Oral and Poster Presentations
E. Flint and K. Swift