Butchering with stone tools: an experimental approach to use wear analysis and taphonomic studies of the archeological material from Grotta Breuil (Monte Circeo)


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Publication Date

January 1996


Use wear analysis on lithic tools and taphonomic studies conducted on the archaeological materials from the Mousterian site of Grotta Breuil, indicated that butchering activities were carried out in this cave throughout the period of occupation of the site. The aim of the present research is to understand better the influence of the morphology of the small lithic tools of this site on carcass processing strategies. This was accomplished by means of a series of experiments, inspired by the archaeological record, that were carried out with replicas of the tools recovered at Grotta Breuil. The experimental evidence was evaluated and then compared with the archaeological data. such comparison gave many suggestions about the functional potential of the artifacts, about the action related to the different activities and the modifications that such activities produced on the bones.

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