Alternative Title

NCKRI biennial report, 2004-2005



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Publication Date

January 2006

Document Type



Contents: Overview by the Institute Director -- Primary Partners ; National Park Service ; City of Carlsbad ; New Mexico Tech ; NCKRI, Inc. -- Institute Building Activities -- Moving towards NCKRI, Inc. ; Preliminary meetings and activities ; NCKRI, Inc. ; Planning for the future -- Facility Partners ; New Mexico State Univ./Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring Research Center ; Carlsbad Department of Development/AMITC -- NCKRI Building Project -- Visiting Scholar Program -- Volunteers Program -- NCKRI projects ; NCKRI Lecture Series ; Karst Information Portal ; NCKRI library ; NCKRI program review -- Sponsored projects ; Mississippi State University Digital map of karst in Mississippi ; U.S. Geological Survey - National KARST Map ; U.S. Geological Survey - Karst Interest Group ; Western Kentucky University- Microbial film study ; Western Kentucky University- Land managers graduate program ; Mammoth International Center for Research and Learning -- Monitoring chapter ; National Cave and Karst Management Symposium ; National Speleological Society ; Cave conservation book ; Boston Museum ; Bat book -- Institute Activities ; a. Refereed papers ; b. Articles in edited guidebooks and proceedings ; c. Contributions to edited books ; d. Books ; e. Publications edited ; f. Reports and miscellaneous publications ; g. Abstracts ; h. Book reviews ; i. Grants proposal, refereed journal, and other review panels ; j. Professional journal editorial board ; k. Grants and contracts ; l. Conference and field trip leadership ; m. Professional presentations ; n. Community presentations/education ; o. Major media projects and publicity ; p. Cave research, assessments, and advisory efforts ; q. Professional meetings attended ; r. Project reports ; s. Other contributions -- New Mexico Tech Cave and Karst Studies Program -- Appendices ; A. Articles of Incorporation ; B. Bylaws ; C. Capitan Aquifer study ; D. Exit report by Scott Rice-Snow ; E. NCKRI External Program Review ; F. Annual progress report from Western Kentucky University's Center for Water -- Resources Studies. Open Access See Extended description for more information.





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