
Author Biography

Liza Bondurant is an Associate Professor of Mathematics and the Program Coordinator for the Secondary Mathematics Education program at Delta State University. Dr. Bondurant’s research focuses on the beliefs, practices, and tools that contribute to mathematics teacher effectiveness.

Lisa Poling is an Associate Professor and Assistant Chair in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction at Appalachian State University. Her research interests focus on teachers' sense of responsibility in educating all children in the science of mathematics and utilizing mathematics to critically assess social issues.

Diana L. Moss is a Teaching Assistant Professor in Mathematics at University of Nevada, Reno. She teaches courses in mathematics and mathematics education. Her research interests include children’s mathematical thinking and teacher education.


Prospective elementary mathematics teachers (PTs) were asked to analyze 28 videos of cognitive interviews. The purpose of this study was to determine if experiences analyzing videos would lead to improvements in PTs’ professional noticing skills. Using a coding schema that reflected three levels of understanding (periphery, transitional, and accomplished), a frequency table was constructed that allowed PTs’ use and understanding of a noticing framework to be analyzed. Findings indicate that experiences analyzing videos leads to improvements in PTs’ professional noticing skills.


