Food of the Barn Owl at Gainesville, Florida
James Horner, Robert Wallace, and David W. Johnston
Population Estimate of Breeding Birds on a Spoil Island in the Indian River, Indian River County, Florida
George R. Maxwell II and Herbert W. Kale II
Nocturnal Migrants Killed at a Central Florida Tv Tower, Autumn 1972
Walter Kingsley H.erson and Bruce H. Anderson
Field Notes
Singular Brown Pelican Feeding Behavior
Florida Field Naturalist
Whip-poor-wiii Singing in Winter
Florida Field Naturalist
Foods of the Osprey at Newnans Lake
Florida Field Naturalist
A Salmonella Typhimurium Outbreak at a Bird Feeding Station
Florida Field Naturalist
Notice: Hawk Migration Association of North America
Florida Field Naturalist
Chordeiles Minor Sennetti in Florida
Florida Field Naturalist