Graduation Year


Document Type




Degree Granting Department


Major Professor

Kenneth J. Malmberg


absolute identification, judgments of frequency, model selection, recognition memory, REM


Positive sequential dependencies occur when the response on the current trial n is positively correlated with the response on trial n-1. This was recently observed in a Judgment of Frequency (JOF) task (Malmberg and Annis, 2011). A model of positive sequential dependencies was developed in the REM framework (Shiffrin & Steyvers, 1997) by assuming that features that represent the current test item in a retrieval cue carry over from the previous retrieval cue. To assess the model, we sought a set of data that allows us to distinguish between frequency similarity and item similarity. Therefore, we chose to use a JOF task in which we manipulated the item similarity of the stimuli by presenting either landscape photos (high similarity), or photos of everyday objects such as shoes, cars, etc (low similarity). Similarity was modeled by assuming either that the item representations share a proportion of features or by assuming that the exemplars from different stimulus classes vary in the distinctiveness or diagnosticity. The model fits indicated that the best way to model similarity was to assume that items share a proportions of features.
