Graduation Year


Document Type




Degree Granting Department

Child and Family Studies

Major Professor

Kimberly Crosland


Differential Reinforcement, Education, Implementation Fidelity, Non-contingent Reinforcement, Preference, Teacher Training



Previous research has demonstrated that non-contingent reinforcement (NCR) and differential reinforcement of other behaviors (DRO) are effective procedures in reducing problem behavior of children both in and out of the classroom. However, few studies have assessed which procedure is most socially acceptable among teachers. In addition, studies have not recorded data on fidelity of implementation among teachers. A non-concurrent multiple baseline across teachers design was used to (a) demonstrate the effect of NCR and DRO on the problem behaviors of school aged children with no identified developmental disability, and (b) assess implementation fidelity of each procedure by the teacher. This study further assessed which procedure was preferred by teachers by the addition of questionnaires and a choice phase in which teachers ultimately chose which procedure to implement. Results showed that both procedures significantly reduced problem behavior across all participants, with the DRO procedure having the greatest effect. The procedure that was preferred most by teachers varied across participants. One of the three participants preferred the NCR procedure, one preferred the DRO procedure and the last participant gave mixed results between the procedure she said she preferred in the surveys and the procedure she chose to implement in the final choice phase.
