Graduation Year


Document Type




Degree Granting Department

Measurement and Evaluation

Major Professor

Robert F. Dedrick, Ph.D.

Co-Major Professor

John M. Ferron, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Bruce W. Hall, Ed.D.

Committee Member

Kathy Mcnelis, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Daphne Thomas, Ph.D.


leadership dimension, task/personal, democratic/autocratic, gender stereotypes, theoretical implications


This experimental study used eight written vignettes to analyze the effects of professor gender, professor leadership style (democratic/autocratic), and type of situation (task/personal) and participant gender on evaluations of professorsʹ competence, likeability and masculinity characteristics. Undergraduates from the College of Arts and Science (N=932; Males=464, Females=467), and the College of Education (N=722; Males=140, Females=582) were used. Results indicated that research participants rated democratic professors significantly more competent, likeable, and more feminine than autocratic professors. Contrary to expectations derived from gender spill-over and gender congruency theories, male participants did not rate female professors more negatively than their male counterparts when they acted autocratically in a personal situation (i.e., gender incongruent manner.) Exploratory results revealed trends that are discussed along with theoretical and practical implications.
