Document Type

Technical Report

Publication Date



transit, access, private property


Under contract with the Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT), the Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR) was asked to assess the issues surrounding the legal rights of public transit agencies to enter and serve private property, as well as to Identify the major concerns of private property owners as It relates to allowing access to their property by public transit providers. The scope of the project included the following activities: conducting a literature review to identify any current written practices related to developing public transit access to private properties and identify news articles which report instances where public transit access was denied or withdrawn by private entities; conducting a case review of legal publications to identify either directly or indirectly related cases which involve public and/or private access to privately owned major commercial properties; summarizing federal, state and local case law, where available, to determine the legal rights of public transit agencies as ft pertains to access to private properties; distributing a written survey to 67 public transit providers (including the nation's 30 largest systems States as determined by annual ridership) in the United; distributing a written survey to selected private property developers, owners and managers in the United States to identify successful and unsuccessful transit access practices; developing specific state and local government model regulations and development codes which shall support the access of public transit vehicles to private properties; and to develop recommendations for successfully achieving public transit access to major private properties with a corresponding "Transit Access to Private Property Negotiation Guidelines"· document.

Citation / Publisher Attribution

Public Transit Access to Private Property, Center for Urban Transportation Research, University of South Florida, 153 p.
