
The Starling Reaches the Pacific


Alex. Walter

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The Starling Reaches the Pacific.-On December 15, 1948, Wesley Batterson brought me a female Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) taken that day from a muskrat trap on Nestucca Bay, Tillamook County, Oregon. This specimen is now preserved in my collection. Mr. Batterson also reports that four other Starlings were seen at the same place in a mixed flock of Red-winged and Brewer blackbirds. The Starling has recently been reported from various localities in western Oregon and Washington, hut so far as I know, this is the first record of its occurrence in the immediate vicinity of the ocean; it seems then to have reached the limits of its westward expansion in the United States. ----ALEX. WALKER, Tillamook, Oregon, March 15, 1949.

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