
The Black Swift in Oregon


Florence Hague

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On September 22, 1924, Mr. E. A. Collier sent us for identification a Northern Black Swift (Cypseloides niger borealis) which had been found dead at Albany, Oregon, on September 20. Because of the deteriorated condition the sex was not determined, but a skin was made by Mr. W. D. Courtney and is now in the bird collection of the Department of Zoology and Physiology at the Oregon Agricultural College.

The Annotated List of “The Birds of Oregon” by A. R. Woodcock, 1902, reports six swifts seen at Cape Foulweather, September, 1898, which were taken for Black Swifts. Eliot in “The Birds of the Pacific Coast” lists the Black Swift as found in Oregon, and Dawson gives its breeding range as from southern Alaska to central Mexico. This, however, is the first instance of which the writer is aware, of a Northern Black Swift taken in Oregon.

Corvallis, Oregon, January 6, 1925

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