
Notes on Some Unusual Sets of Eggs


Milton S. Ray

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The following are some unusual sets I have taken which may interest the readers of THE CONDOR:

I. RUSSET-BACKED THRUSH (Hylocichla ustulata). June 11, 1895, five fresh eggs. Nest made almost entirely of redwood bark and placed among the out-growth of a redwood stump. Boulder Creek, Santa Cruz Co., Cal.

2. CASSIN'S VIREO (Vireo solitarius cassini). June 6, 1896, six eggs, incubation advanced. Nest composed of leaves, grasses and stems, and placed in a low tree four feet up. Lexington, Santa Clara Co., Cal.

3. LONG-TAILED CHAT (Icteria virens longicauda). May 27, 1900, five eggs, fresh. Nest made of leaves and grasses and lined with fine grass. Agnews, Santa Clara Co., Cal, Collected by Chas. A. Love.

4. CALIFORNIA PARTRIDGE (Lophortyx californicus). May 23, 1900, two sets taken within 20 yards of each other, one containing 21 and the other 23 eggs, incubat,ion begun. Nests in dry tules, made of same and but poorly concealed. San Francisco Co., Cal.

5. CALIFORNIA ]AY (Aphelocoma californica). May 1, 1900, two eggs, incubation advanced. Nest made of twigs and moss and lined with hair and grasses.

WESTERN LARK SPARROW (Chondestes grammacus strigatus). June 21, 1898, two eggs, incubation begun. Nest of grasses and weeds in a small oak. Knight's Ferry, Cal.

San Francisco, Cal.

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