Somateria Dresseri the American Eider
George H. Mackay
On a Collection of Birds from Fort Churchill Hudsons Bay
W. Eagle Clarke
Birds Found Breeding on Seven Mile Beach New Jersey
Charles S. Shick
Notes on Habits and Nesting of Vireo Flavoviridis (cass)
George K. Cherrie
North American Birds Found at San Jos
George K. Cherrie
Summer Robin Roosts
William Brewster
Description of a New Subspecies of Wild Turkey
W. E. D. Scott
A New Subspecies of the Solitary Sandpiper
William Brewster
Notes and News
The Auk
Index to Volume Vii
The Auk
Recent Literature
Sclaters Catalogue of the Tracheophon[ae]
J. A. Allen
Publications Received
The Auk
General Notes
The American Barn Owl near Troy New York
Austin F. Park
Strix Pratincola in Western New York
W. H. Bergtold
A Correction
A. K. Fisher
The Dowitcher at Ottawa
Geo. R. White
Melanerpes Aurifrons in Young Co Texas in 1878
G. H. Ragsdale
Notes on Eugenes Fulgens
Otho C. Poling
The Philadelphia Vireo in Vermont
Frank H. Hitchcock
Spotted Eggs of Swainsons Warbler
Arthur T. Wayne
Helminthophila Chrysoptera in Manitoba
C. F. Batchelder
Was He a Philanthropist?
Florence A. Merriam
Interesting Nesting Site of a Winter Wren (troglodytes Hiemalis)
Florence A. Merriam
Capture of a Second Specimen of the Hooded Warbler in Massachusetts
Frank H. Hitchcock
Myadestes Townsendii in Nebraska
Geo. L. Toppan
Two Notes from South Carolina
Arthur T. Wayne
Front Matter
The Auk