Descriptions of Supposed New Species of Hummingbirds Belonging to the Genera Amazilia and Eriocnemis
D. G. Elliot
Some Account of the Birds of Southern Greenland, from the Mss of a Hagerup
Montague Chamberlain
Notes on West Indian Birds
Charles B. Cory
Birds Observed at Santa Barbara, California
W. A. Jeffries
On the Hiatus Existing Between the Breeding Ranges of the Loggerhead and White-rumped Shrikes
G. H. Ragsdale
Picicorvus Columbianus (wils), Clarke's Nutcracker Its Nest and Eggs, Etc
Capt. Charles Bendire
Summer Birds of Eastland County, Texas
E. M. Hasbrouck
A Bird Wave
Philip Cox Jr.
On the Specific Identity of Buteo Brachyurus and Buteo Fuliginosus, with Additional Records of Their Occurrence in Florida
W. E. D. Scott
An Undescribed Subspecies of Dryobates Pubescens
C. F. Batchelder
An Unusual Flight of Killdeer Plover ([ae]gialitis Vocifera) along the New England Coast
Arthur P. Chadbourne
A New Species of Duck from Texas
George B. Sennett
Notes and News
The Auk
Recent Literature
Cory's Birds of the West Indies
J. A. Allen
Sclater and Hudson's 'argentine Ornithology'
J. A. Allen
Gould's 'birds of New Guinea'
J. A. Allen
Bird Migration in the Mississippi Valley, by W W Cooke
J. A. Harvie-Brown
Publications Received
The Auk
General Notes
The Florida Gallinule Breeding in Vermont
Jenness Richardson and J. A. Allen
The Wild Turkey in the North Carolina Mountains
L. N. Johnson
Buteo Brachyurus in Florida
Chas. B. Cory
Antrostomus Vociferus in Porto Rico
Charles B. Cory
A Hawk Bearing a Legend
C. Hart Merriam
Micropallas Whitneyi, Elf Owl, Taken in Texas
Geo. B. Sennett
The Raven as a South Carolinian
Leverett M. Loomis
The Lapland Longspur near Chicago in June
B. T. Gault
Helminthophila Bachmani on the East Coast of Florida
Frank M. Chapman
Dendroica Coronata Feeding upon Oranges
William Brewster
Polioptila Plumbea at Palm Springs, California
Fred. O. Johnson
Winter Notes from Portland, Maine
John Clifford Brown
A Suggestion to the a O U Committee on the Revision of the Check-list of North American Birds
The Auk
Front Matter
The Auk