Spencer Fullerton Baird
Robert Ridgway
Upper Missouri River Birds
Robert S. Williams
An Annotated List of Birds Breeding in the District of Columbia
Charles W. Richmond
Notes on Gymnostinops Montezum[ae]
N. S. Goss
On the Avi-fauna of Pinal County, with Remarks on Some Birds of Pima and Gila Counties, Arizona
W. E. Scott
New Forms of North American Chordiles
Elliott Coues
Observations on the Nocturnal Migration of Birds
Frank M. Chapman
An Apparently New Elainea from Barbadoes, West Indies
Charles B. Cory
Descriptions of Supposed New Birds from Lower California, Sonora, and Chihuahua, Mexico, and the Bahamas
William Brewster
Notes and News
The Auk
Recent Literature
A New Ornithichnite
E. C.
Clark's 'birds of Amherst'
C. F. B.
Publications Received
The Auk
General Notes
Larus Atricilla at Springfield, Mass
Robert O. Morris
The Yellow-nosed Albatross (thalassogeron Culminatus) in the Gulf of St Lawrence
Montague Chamberlain
Cory's Shearwater at Newport, R I
William C. Rives Jr.
The Black Duck in Chihuahua
R. T. Emmet
Ionornis Martinica in Arizona
Herbert Brown
Habits of the Purple Gallinule (ionornis Martinica)
Arthur T. Wayne
Unexpected Occurrence of Certain Shore Birds in Texas in Midsummer and in Breeding Plumage
Geo. B. Sennett
The European Kestrel in Massachusetts
Charles B. Cory
Ulula Cinerea in Steuben, Co, New York
A. H. Wood
Megascops Asio Floridanus in Louisiana
A. K. Fisher
Ceophl[oe]us Pileatus in Franklin County, Massachusetts
Richard Norton
The Prairie Horned Lark (otocoris Alpestris Praticola) on the Coast of Massachusetts
William Brewster
Occurrence of the Florida Blue Jay (cyanocitta Cristata Florincola) in Southwestern Texas
Charles Wickliffe Beckham
Quiscalus Quiscula Agl[ae]us in Louisiana
A. K. Fisher
Breeding of the Evening Grosbeak (coccothraustes Vespertina) in the White Mountains of Arizona
John Swinburne
Loxia Curvirostra Minor Again at Yemassee, S C
Arthur T. Wayne
A Philadelphia Vireo and a Cobweb
Charles Wickliffe Beckham
Helminthophila Leucobronchialis in Pennsylvania
Witmer Stone
The Yellow-breasted Chat Breeding in Malden, Mass
H. P. Johnson
On the Nesting of Palmer's Thrasher
Herbert Brown
Feeding Habits of Sitta Canadensis
C. K. Averill Jr.
Spotted Eggs of Parus Gambeli
R. S. Williams
Propatagialis Cucullaris
The Auk
Front Matter
The Auk