Descriptions of Six Supposed New Species of Birds from the Islands of Old Providence and St Andrews, Caribbean Sea
Charles B. Cory
Birds of Tom Green and Concho Counties, Texas
William Lloyd
The Red-headed Woodpecker a Hoarder
O. P. Hay
On the Avi-fauna of Pinal County, with Remarks on Some Birds of Pima and Gila Counties, Arizona
W. E. D. Scott
Rare Birds of Northeastern New Brunswick
Philip Cox Jr.
A New Race of the Sharp-tailed Sparrow (ammodramus Caudacutus)
Jonathan Dwight Jr.
Observations in Western North Carolina Mountains in 1886
George B. Sennett
Description of a New Euethia from Old Providence Island
Charles B. Cory
Recent Literature
Mcilwraith's Birds of Ontario
W. E. Saunders
Stejneger on the Species of Pardalotus
J. A. Allen
Stejneger on Two European Thrushes
J. A. Allen
Stejneger on Japanese Birds
J. A. Allen
Blakiston on the Water-birds of Japan
J. A. Allen
Publications Received
The Auk
General Notes
The Double-crested Cormorant near Springfield, Mass
Robert O. Morris
The Florida Gallinule in Nova Scotia
Montague Chamberlain
The Middletown, Conn, Glossy Ibis of 1850
Jno. H. Sage
Geococcyx Californianus--a Correction
R. W. Shufeldt
Hummingbirds Feeding Their Young on Insects
William Brewster
Otocoris Alpestris Praticola in Chester County, South Carolina
Leverett M. Loomis
Clarke's Nutcracker from the Kowak River, Alaska
Robert Ridgway
The Canada Jay in Southern Vermont in Summer
Hubert L. Clark
Xanthocephalus Xanthocephalus in Connecticut
William E. Treat
The Baltimore Oriole (icterus Galbula) in Nova Scotia
Montague Chamberlain
Winter Plumage of Leucosticte Australis
A. W. Anthony
Note on Spizella Monticola Ochracea Brewst
Robert Ridgway
Spizella Pusilla Wintering near Hartford, Conn
Willard E. Treat
Change of Winter Habitat in the Grass Finch
George H. Ragsdale
A Song Sparrow Wintering in Eastern Maine
Lewis M. Todd
The Song Sparrow in New Brunswick in Winter
Montague Chamberlain
Unusual Nesting-site of the Song Sparrow
J. A. Allen
The Sharp-tailed Sparrow (ammodramus Caudacutus) in a Fresh-water Marsh
Montague Chamberlain
Nesting of the Hudsonian Chickadee (parus Hudsonicus)
Montague Chamberlain
Another Addition to the Avi-fauna of South Carolina
Leverett M. Loomis
Additional Specimens of Bachman's and Swainson's Warblers, Obtained by Mr Chas S Galbraith, in the Spring of 1887
George N. Lawrence
Birds Laying Their Eggs in the Nests of Other Birds
J. L. Davison
New Species of Winter Birds in New Brunswick
Montague Chamberlain
Notes and News
Notes and News
The Auk
Front Matter
The Auk