In Memoriam: William Dutcher
T. S. Palmer
Notes on the Bird-life of Southeastern Texas
T. Gilbert Pearson
Remarks on the Migration of Southern Hemisphere Albatrosses and Petrels
Leverett Mills Loomis
The Abbreviated Inner Primaries of Nestling Woodpeckers
James P. Chapin
Breeding Birds of Warland, Lincoln Co, Montana
Thomas D. Burleigh
The Feeding Habits of the Black Skimmer
Stanley Clisby Arthur
Descriptions of Seven New Forms of Japanese and Corean Picidae
Nagamichi Kuroda
Notes from Connecticut
Louis B. Bishop
Some Southern Michigan Bird Records
Norman A. Wood
Notes and News
William James Bennetts
Index to Volume Xxxviii
The Auk
Dates of Publication
The Auk
Recent Literature
The Ornithological Journals
The Auk
General Notes
An Oil-soaked Loon (gavia Immer) at Watch Hill, R I
Aaron C. Bagg
Fish-catching by the Black Skimmer
Witmer Stone
Laughing Gull (larus Atricilla) Captured by Snapping Turtle
E. Gordon Alexander
A Mating Performance of the Least Tern
Ralph Hoffmann
Brown Pelican in Oswego County, N Y
Miles D. Pernie
Jaeger at Sandy Pond, Oswego County, N Y
Miles D. Pernie
Egrets on the Potomac
M. Dorsey Ashton
Egret and Little Blue Herons at Elizabeth, N J
Charles A. Urner
Egret near Albany, N Y
Barnard S. Bronson
Egrets near Schenectady, N Y
Langdon Gibson
Aramus Vociferus and Branta Canadensis Canadensis in Florida
T. Gilbert Pearson
An Egret (casmerodius Egretta) on Long Island, N Y
Arthur H. Howell
Hudsonian Curlew and Golden Plover at Nantucket
George H. Mackay
Occurrence of the Buff-breasted Sandpiper (tryngites Subruficollis) in Chicago Parks
George Porter Lewis
Piping Plover Breeding in New Jersey
Charles H. Rogers
Note on the Breeding of the Semipalmated Plover (aegialitis Semipalmata) in Nova Scotia
Charles W. Townsend
An Unusual Dove's Nest
Peter A. Brannon
The Turkey Vulture in Michigan
Ruthven Deane
Short-eared Owl Nesting at Elizabeth, N J
Charles A. Urner
Arkansas Kingbird (tyrannus Verticalis) in Maine
Carrie Ella Miller
Blue Jay Feeding on Pecans
Peter A. Brannon
Evening Grosbeak Breeding in Michigan
M. J. Magee
The English Sparrow and the Motor Vehicle
A. W. Anthony
Nonpareil (passerina Ciris) in Pennsylvania
Archibald Rutledge
Golden-winged Warbler in Kansas
E. Raymond Hall
Additional Notes on Arkansas Birds
Chreswell J. Hunt
Early Bird Banding
Ernest Thompson Seton
Front Matter
The Auk
Back Matter
The Auk