Which Sex Selects the Nesting Locality
H. Mousley
Impressions of Bird-life in France
E. L. Poole
The Birds of Lake Poop
William Ray Allen
Moulds and Bacteria on Egg Collections
Frederic H. Kennard
Description of a New Loon
Louis B. Bishop
Notes on the Winter and Early Spring Birds of Southeastern Arkansas
Chreswell J. Hunt
The Name of the Eastern Hermit Thrush
Outram Bangs and Thomas E. Penard
A Review of the Grackles of the Genus Holoquiscalus
James L. Peters
Notes and News
The Auk
Notes on Alabama Birds
Peter A. Brannon
Recent Literature
Riley on New Genera
W. S.
The Ornithological Journals
The Auk
General Notes
American Common Tern Recovered in West Africa
Frederick C. Lincoln
Swans on the Hudson River
S. C. Bishop
King Eider (somateria Spectabilis) in Michigan Waters
Etta S. Wilson
Louisiana Clapper Rail in Mississippi
Stephen S. Gregory
The Type Locality of Ortalis V Vetula--a Correction
W. Dew. Miller and Ludlow Griscom
An Earlier Consideration of Botaurus Lentiginosus
H. F. Witherby
Passenger Pigeon in Wisconsin
Henry K. Coale
West Africa the True Habitat of Glaucidium Tephronotum
James P. Chapin
A Kingbird's Unusual Nesting Site
A. C. Gardner
Arkansas Kingbird in Virginia
Thomas H. Jackson
Note on the Name Gazzola Bonaparte
J. H. Riley
Magpies and Live Stock
T. C. Stephens
Notes of the Starling
Charles A. Urner
A Question Concerning the Cowbird
Ira N. Gabrielson
The Nonpareil Wintering in Florida
Edgar Bedell
The Black-backed Kamchatkan Wagtail, Motacilla Lugens Kittlitz, in Alaska
John E. Thayer and Outram Bangs
The Mockingbird of St Thomas, West Indies
Ludlow Griscom
Coereba Bahamensis at Miami, Fla
J. T. Nichols
The Orange-crowned Warbler in Indiana
Chreswell J. Hunt
The Hooded Warbler in Delaware
A. C. Gardner
The Tufted Titmouse (baeolophus Bicolor) in Erie County, N Y
Thomas L. Bourne
The Willow Thrush in the District of Columbia
N. Hollister
Some Birds Observed at Pine Mountain Kentucky
Witmer Stone
Records of Interest from Meriden, Connecticut
Lester W. Smit
Some Unusual Bird-records for Northern Vermont
Wendell P. Smith
The Criterion for the Trinomial
J. Grinnell
Front Matter
The Auk
Back Matter
The Auk