Georgia's Rarities Further Discovered in a Second American Portfolio of John Abbot's Bird Plates
Samuel N. Rhoads
Notes on the Anatomy of the Cuban Trogon
Hubert Lyman Clark
Further Notes and Observations on the Birds of Hatley, Stanstead County, Quebec, 1916-1917
H. Mousley
Home Life of the Vesper Sparrow and the Hermit Thrush
E. M. and W. A. Perry
The Distribution of Nuttall's Sparrow in California
Carl L. Hubbs
The Limicol[ae] of the State of Washington
J. H. Bowles
The Birds of Desecheo Island, Porto Rico
Alexander Wetmore
Some Recent Connecticut Bird Notes
Aretas A. Saunders
Notes and News
The Auk
Recent Literature
Murphy on Atlantic Oceanites
J. T. N.
Cassinia for 1917
W. S.
Bird Enemies of the Varying Hare
W. L. M.
Curious Hoarding Habits of Birds
W. L. M.
The Ornithological Journals
The Auk
Publications Received
The Auk
General Notes
Larus Nelsoni, in Juvenal Plumage, from the Hawaiian Islands
Harry C. Oberholser
Anas Rubripes Rubripes in North Dakota
Harry C. Oberholser
Melospiza Melodia Ph[ae]a in Southern California
Edward J. Brown
Numenius Americanus Americanus Not a Breeding Bird of Michigan
Harry C. Oberholser
Large Flight of Great Horned Owls and Goshawks at Hadlyme, Connecticut
Arthur W. Brockway
Megaceryle Vs Streptoceryle
W. Dew. Miller
The Sapsucker Wintering in Central Maine
Harriet A. Nye
A Crested Flycatcher Injured by Swallowing a Grasshopper
Arthur H. Howell
An Attempt to Breed the Pine Grosbeak in Captivity
Geo. M. Marckres
The Systematic Position of Calyptophilus
W. Dew. Miller
Junco Aikeni in New Mexico
Harry C. Oberholser
Notes on Some Bird Fossils from Florida
Robert Wilson Shufeldt
A Note Concerning Bird Mortality
Aretas A. Saunders
Birds and Mulberries
Ernest G. Holt
An American Edition of Audubon's 'ornithological Biography'
William C. Braislin
Front Matter
The Auk
Back Matter
The Auk