Tail-feathers and Their Major Upper Coverts
Hubert Lyman Clark
Ferruginous Stains on Waterfowl
Frederic H. Kennard
The Description of the Voice of Birds
R. M. Strong
Notes on the Breeding Birds of Pennsylvania and New Jersey
Richard C. Harlow
A Study of the Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Clara Kern Bayliss
The Extraction of Fat from Bird-skins
Hoyes Lloyd
The Evening Grosbeak (hesperiphona Vespertina) in Maine, with Remarks on Its Distribution
Arthur H. Norton
Ipswich Bird Notes
Charles W. Townsend
Notes on North American Birds V
Harry C. Oberholser
Notes on the Subspecies of Numenius Americanus Bechstein
Harry C. Oberholser
Third Annual List of Proposed Changes in the a O U Check-list of North American Birds
Harry C. Oberholser
Notes and News
The Auk
Recent Literature
The Ornithological Journals
The Auk
Publications Received
The Auk
General Notes
Horned Grebe Rising from the Ground
Charles H. Rogers
Breeding of the Pied-billed Grebe (podilymbus Podiceps) near State College, Center Co, Pa
Thos. D. Burleigh
A Red-throated Loon on Chestnut Hill Reservoir, Boston, Mass
Horace W. Wright
The Ivory Gull (pagophila Alba) at Portland, Maine
Arthur H. Norton
Pterodroma Gularis in North America
A. C. Bent
Blue Geese on Long Island
Geo. Bird Grinnell
The Whistling Swan at Cap St Ignace, P Q
C. E. Dionne
King Rail (rallus Elegans) in Massachusetts
Charles B. Morss
Short-eared Owl (asio Flammeus) Eating Birds
J. A. Munro
Solitary Sandpiper (tringa Solitaria Solitaria) in New Mexico
Harry C. Oberholser
Downy Woodpecker in Colorado
E. Rett
The Starling in Montgomery, Alabama
Peter A. Brannon
The Starling (sturnus Vulgaris) at Portland, Maine
Arthur H. Norton
Yellow-headed Blackbird at Ipswich, Mass
Francis Beach White
Nesting of the Red Crossbill (loxia Curvirostra Minor) in Essex County, Massachusetts
William Brewster
Summer Tanager (piranga Rubra Rubra) in N E Illinois
Henry K. Coale
Philadelphia Vireo (vireosylva Philadelphica) in North Dakota in Summer
Harry C. Oberholser
Prothonotary Warbler (protonotaria Citrea) in New Jersey
Harry C. Oberholser
The Subspecific Name of the Northern Parula Warbler
William Brewster
Bachman's Warbler and Solitary Sandpiper in Indiana
Etta S. Wilson
Mockingbirds (mimus Polyglottos Polyglottos) Spending the Winter at West Haven, Conn
Nelson E. Wilmot
The Hudsonian Chickadee (penthestes Hudsonicus Subsp?) in North-eastern Pennsylvania in June
Thos. D. Burleigh
Hudsonian Chickadee on the Pocono Mountain, Pa
J. Fletcher Street
A Robin Which Migrated Tailless
Horace W. Wright
Connecticut Notes
Louis H. Porter
Massachusetts Notes
Charles R. Lamb
Massachusetts Notes
W. Sprague Brooks
Notes from the Chicago Area
Frank M. Woodruff
Notes on Some British Columbia Birds
J. A. Munro
Subsequent Nestings
H. Mousley
The Destruction of Nests by Farming Operations in Saskatchewan
Walter A. Goelitz
Goudot's Explorations in Colombia
T. S. Palmer
Unusual Dearth of Winter Birds
H. Mousley
Witmer Stone
Slight' Records
The Auk
Front Matter
The Auk
Back Matter
The Auk