The Moults and Plumages of the Scoters,-- Genus Oidemia
Jonathan Dwight Jr.
A List of Birds from the Vicinity of Golden, Colorado
R. B. Rockwell and Alex Wetmore
Early Records of the Wild Turkey
Albert Hazen Wright
Notes on the Louisiana Clapper Rail (rallus Crepitans Saturatus) in Texas
George Finlay Simmons
A New Subspecies of Dendragapus, (dendragapus Obscurus Flemingi) from Southern Yukon Territory
P. A. Taverner
An Undescribed Galapagos Race of Oceanodroma Castro
John Treadwell Nichols
Notes and News
The Auk
Recent Literature
Bangs on New Birds
W. S.
The Ornithological Journals
The Auk
Publications Received
The Auk
General Notes
A Misinterpretation
E. R. Kalmbach
Concealing Postures of Grebes
Delos E. Culver
Glaucous Gull (larus Hyperboreus) on Fresh Pond, Cambridge, Mass
Horace W. Wright
Herring Gulls at Sea
Robert Barbour
European Widgeon (mareca Penelope) at Boston, Mass
Horace W. Wright
An Egret on Long Island
John Treadwell Nichols
The Woodcock Carrying Its Young
C. C. Mcdermid
Willow Ptarmigan in Montanta
Harry P. Stanford
Choucalcyon Versus Sauromarptis
W. Dew. Miller
The Bobolink Breeding in Southeastern Pennsylvania
Spencer Trotter
Evening Grosbeaks in Pennsylvania
B. H. Warren
The Bahama Swallow in Cuba
Outram Bangs
The Tufted Tit -- a New Record for Canada
W. E. Saunders
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (polioptila C[oe]rulea) at West Haven, Conn
Aretas S. Saunders
Three New Birds for Champaign County, Illinois
Isaac E. Hess
New Bird Records for Arizona
Wells W. Cooke
Birds Transporting Food Supplies
W. L. Mcatee
Front Matter
The Auk
Back Matter
The Auk