Among the Birds of the Eastern Sudan
John C. Phillips
Birds as Destroyers of Grasshoppers in California
Harold C. Bryant
An Ecological Study of the Breeding Birds of an Area near Choteau, Mont
Aretas A. Saunders
Birds of Autauga and Montgomery Counties, Alabama
Lewis S. Golsan and Ernest G. Holt
Acadian Chickadees (penthestes Hudsonicus Littoralis) in Boston and Vicinity in the Fall of 1913
Horace W. Wright
Notes and News
The Auk
Recent Literature
Reichenow's 'die V
W. S.
Valuable Economic Reports
The Auk
The Ornithological Journals
The Auk
Publications Received
The Auk
General Notes
Two Unrecorded Specimens of the European Widgeon from Massachusetts
F. Seymour Hersey
The Western Grebe in Ohio
Geo. L. Fordyce
Notes on the Habits of an Old-squaw (harelda Hyemalis) and Two Lesser Scaup Ducks (aythya Affinis)
Edwin D. Hull
American Egret (herodias Egretta) in Rhode Island
R. Heber Howe Jr.
Franklin's Grouse in Colorado
W. H. Bergtold
Sharp-shinned Hawk in Maine in Winter
Lieutenant G. Meyer
Another Species Added to the Avifauna of South Carolina
E. Burnham Chamberlain
Capture of Myiarchus Crinitus (linn) in Eastern Cuba
Chas. T. Ramsden
Starlings (sturnus Vulgaris) in Cambridge, Mass
Horace W. Wright
The Rusty Blackbird (euphagus Carolinus) in Connecticut in Winter
Aretas A. Saunders
The Bobolink (dolichonyx Oryzivorus) as a Conveyer of Mollusca
Chas. T. Ramsden
Cowbird Note
A. Brazier Howell
Evening Grosbeak (hesperiphona Vespertina Vespertina) at Boston, Mass
Edward H. Atherton
Unusual Nesting Site of the English Sparrow
A. Brazier Howell
Magnolia Warbler in Colorado
W. H. Bergtold
Canadian Warbler in Colorado
W. H. Bergtold
Swainson's Warbler (helinaia Swainsoni) at Guantanamo, Cuba
Chas. T. Ramsden
The Red-bellied Nuthatch (sitta Canadensis) Feeding among Weeds
Richard F. Miller
The Identity of Hypodes Cinerea Cassin
Witmer Stone
Some Marshalltown, Iowa, Notes
Ira N. Gabrielson
Two Species New to Colorado
F. C. Lincoln
Unusual Occurrences at Madison, Wis
A. William Schorger
Effect of Cold on Moult
J. C. Phillips
The Gannets of Bonaventure
The Auk
Front Matter
The Auk
Back Matter
The Auk