Notes on a Captive Hermit Thrush
Daniel E. Owen
Recent Investigations of the Food of European Birds
F. E. L. Beal
Evidence Suggestive of the Occurrence of 'individual Dichromatism' in Megascops Asio
Arthur P. Chadbourne
Zamelodia against Habia
Elliott Coues
Description of a New Subspecies of Den-droica
Harry C. Oberholser
Recent Literature
Sharpe's Catalogue of the Limicol[ae]
J. A. Allen
Bird-nesting with a Camera
F. M. C.
Thompson's Art Anatomy
F. M. C.
Miss Merriam's 'a-birding on a Bronco'
J. A. Allen
The Revised New Nuttall
J. A. Allen
Wintle's 'birds of Montreal'
J. A. Allen
Oberholser's Birds of Wayne County, Ohio
J. A. Allen
Publications Received
The Auk
General Notes
The Nostrils in Young Cormorants
F. A. Lucas
Labrador Duck
J. H. Gurney
Nesting of the Larger White-cheeked Goose (branta Canadensis Occidentalis) in Okanogan Co, Wash
William L. Dawson
A New Bird for the Virginias
William C. Rives
Asarcia Spinosa
Elliott Coues
Melopelia Leucoptera in Osceola County, Florida
Robert Ridgway
The California Vulture in Alberta
J. Fannin
Golden Eagle (aquila Chrysa
A. E. Verrill
The Cuculid[ae] of the a O U List
Elliott Coues
Broad-tailed Hummingbird in California
Richard C. Mcgregor
Authority for the Name Myiarchus Mexicanus
Elliott Coues
Hepburn's Leucosticte (leucosticte Tephrocotis Littoralis) in Summer, in Okanogan County, Washington
William L. Dawson
Ammodramus (passerculus) Sanctorum
Elliott Coues
Occurrence of Baird's Sparrow (ammodramus Bairdii) in Washington
William L. Dawson
Acadian Sparrow in Yates County, N Y
Verdi Burtch
Note on Junco Annectens Baird and J Ridgwayi Mearns
Robert Ridgway
Rectifications of Synonymy in the Genus Junco
Elliott Coues
Spiza Americana near Kingston, New York
Jonathan Dwight Jr.
Correct Nomenclature of the Texas Cardinal
Robert Ridgway
Natural Breeding Haunts of the Barn Swallow (chelidon Erythrogaster)
William L. Dawson
Characters of Dendroica C[ae]rulescens Cairnsi
Elliott Coues
Dendroica C[ae]rulea Vs Dendroica Rara
Robert Ridgway
Note on the Genus Lucar of Bartram
Elliott Coues
A Remarkable Nest of the Tufted Titmouse (parus Bicolor)
Arthur T. Wayne
The Whistled Call of Parus Atricapillus Common to Both Sexes
Jonathan Dwight Jr.
Passer Domesticus at Archer, Fla, and Other Florida Notes
T. Gilbert Pearson
Records of Two Birds Rare on Long Island, N Y
William C. Braislin
Unusual Visits of Birds in Western Massachusetts during 1896
Robert O. Morris
The Michigan Ornithological Club
Leon J. Cole
Notes and News
Notes and News
The Auk
Front Matter
The Auk
Back Matter
The Auk